Sugawara Koushi x Reader

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"I would now like to congratulate the graduating class of 20xx! We wish you the best of luck for your future." Your principle announces, causing all of the now high school graduates to stand up and cheer along with parents and friends.

Today is your graduation and you're excited, yet scared.

Excited for a part of your life to be done with. Excited because you don't have to wake up that early for school anymore. Excited to have the freedom of an adult.

Yet scared. Scared of responsibility. Scared of college. Scared of life after high school.

High school has been a big part of your life. It's all you've known up till now.

The cheering has died down to people conversing amongst each other. Cries of happiness and joy can be heard as people hug each other and cry.

You look at the scene with a heavy heart wanting to remember this moment for a long time.


"Why do you look so sad? It's our graduation! Smile!" A voice resonates and you look to the source to see a grinning Sugawara, holding a camera in hand.

"I just wanna remember this. High school has been so hard, and I've wanted to quit more times than one... Though now that's it's over it doesn't seem as stressful as it actually was..." You explain offering a small smile.

"Look at you getting all sentimental." He smiles after laughing, "you're going to the after party right?"

"Yeah," you reply nodding remembering the bon fire the seniors are having later.

"So I can plan on seeing you there?" He questions and you nod, "see ya later [f/n]!" He waves walking off to the volleyball underclass men, three of which are happily graduating their seniors, and from the looks of it are crying.

"[f/n]!" Someone yells and you see your best friend bounding towards you, diploma in hand, and arms spread open for a hug, "we've graduated!! Thirteen years of school are over!" They yell giving you a hug.

"What am I going to do with my life now?" Another one of your friends whines as they lazily joins you after your friend releases your from their hug.

"College?" Your friend offers.

"But first the after party." You say and they cheer.

"Oh oh! Did you hear that they're doing a confession thing at the end? Like confessing for things they've done or to the people they're crushing on."

"Do you have anything to confess?" You question nudging your friend and their face visibly reddens.

"Only that she think Sawamura has nice arms."

With that if possible your friends face reddens more as you laugh.


Music blares through some speakers that a random classmate brought as you stare at the giant bonfire. People are conversing all around you as you sit on the hill and people watch. It's getting late and you feel yourself getting tired as the party begging to wind down.

"Everybody!! The nights almost over so you all know what that means!" A person booms into the mic standing on a make shift stage that earlier had karaoke on, "it's confession time!"

With the cheers erupt as he wave around a very flamboyant and decorative baton.

"I have a confession!" Someone yells over the cheering as a person makes their way onto the stage.

Your faces morphs to one of shock when you see the baton and mic get handed to Sugawara. He grins and searches the crowd.

"[f/n]?" He voices and your eyes widen in shock as people grab you and pull you in front of the stage.

"[l/n] [f/n]." He says staring at you, you meet his gaze and he takes a deep breath before continuing, "I've had the pleasure of knowing you for two years of high school. You've been a great friend cheering for our team whenever you came to our games, listening to me when I needed someone to listen. Just seeing you can brighten my day up a million times. You have a face that could sail a thousand ships and I just want you to know that I have deep feelings for you. I've never felt this way towards another person before so I hope you accept my feelings." He grins and you feel very flustered but oddly happy.

You aren't for sure if you have legitimate feelings for him but you do know that you enjoy being around him. That his company has always been enjoyable.

You're still kind of speechless at his heartfelt confession, so you didn't notice you were taking too long to respond until someone nudged you.

You attempt to say something but you're at a loss for words so you decide to offer smile and nod.

With that cheers can be heard and Sugawara jumps off of the stage to stand in front of you.

"Thank you. I'll be the best boyfriend ever." He smiles.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Someone starts a chant and both of your eyes widen.

You face him and your mouth opens and closes, and for a moment you almost resemble a fish.

He smiles before briefly kissing you on the cheek.

"I want our first kiss to be special and I can tell you're not ready yet. So I'll wait." He states.


I updated!! Whoop

This was kinda short... I'm sorry...

Y'all I graduate from high school in less than two weeks. On Friday May 13th... Friday the 13th...

With my luck I'll trip.
( ゚д゚)

Anyways my very last day of highs go was Friday and now I'll have more free time (and probably motivation) to write more!! I plan on updating more so please look forward to it.



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