Ukai Keishin x Reader

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You frown at the little ball of sunshine before you, who is obviously wanting to be anywhere but being scolded by his teacher.

"Hinata kun are you even listening." you question with a narrowed gaze as the boy continues to fidget and move around in place, if you hadn't of known how he acts when school is over you would've thought he was doing the potty dance.

"I'm sorry [l/n] sensei, I just want to get to practice early!" he says adjusting the shoulder strap of his bag, as his eyes dart to the exit of the classroom, "we need all the practice we can get! Can't I come in the morning?" he asks and you release a long sigh.

"Hinata kun you have practice in the morning also." a look of defeat crosses over his face, "This paper is worth a third of your grade, and I don't want you to fail my class." you sigh again looking at his frustrated face, "Okay I'll tell you what, give me what's finished of your rough draft and I'll revise it by the time you finish practice. Then turn the final paper in to me by next Friday."

"Thank you [l/n] sensei! You're the best!" he says digging through his bag to fish out a couple of pieces of paper, he places them in your outstretched hand before hurriedly leaving the classroom after waving goodbye.


After the meeting, and grading some quiz's you look over the paper for the third time before releasing a deep sigh.

"Good work today, [l/n] san." Takeda says as you both start packing up.

"Ah, Takeda san you're the supervisor for the boys volleyball team right?" You question, resting the strap of your bag over your shoulder, he hums a yes, "Are you fixing to go there? I have to give Hinata kun his paper."

"Practice should be coming to an end soon. We'd better hurry." he replies rushing as he clumsily puts folders and papers into his bag, before rushing out the door.

You of course walk fast to get to the gym, so they don't leave before Hinata gets his paper. '*sigh* what I do for my students' you think as you half jog, half speed walk to the gym.

Because you are rushing around the corner by the vending machines that turn to the entrance of the gym, you didn't notice someone was walking you way and you collide into them.

You brace yourself, fully prepared to fall on you arse, you involuntarily clench your eyes shut. It takes you a moment to process what's happening and realize why you didn't fall on your bum. When you peek an eye open, you see a man with dyed blonde hair and a head band keeping it out of his face, holding onto your forearm preventing you from falling. He raises an eyebrow at you before pulling you up.

It takes you another moment to realize you were the one that bumped into him... with that you for some reason get really flustered.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" You apologize, "I-I was rushing and I wasn't looking where I was going! I apologize for bumping into you, and causing you trouble!"

"It's fine, no harm done." He says analyzing you, as if he's trying to figure something out, "Do I kno-"

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