Bokuto Koutarou x Reader II

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"[f/n] how come it always takes you so long to shower?" Bokuto questions as he sits on your bed and plays a video game.

You both had just gotten home from school and you wanted to take a shower before continuing to hang out.

"Well it's either take a quick shower or shave my legs soo..." You reply as you towel your hair.

He rolls onto his back and sticks his legs into the air.

"Come on it can't take that long. It doesn't take me long to shave my face." He spurts as he button mashes his game and you give him a dull look.

"You only have to shave one thing. You have one face I have two legs. I dare you to shave your legs and say it doesn't take that long." You challenge causing him to what appears to loose his game.

"Fine. I'll show you."


"Oh my god this is the worst decision I've ever made in my life." You hear from you bathroom as Bokuto attempts to shave his legs.

You withhold a laugh as you hear a shriek.

"Ah damn it I cut my leg! [f/n] what do I do?" He questions.

"Keep shaving? Happens all the time Koutarou."

"How do you manage to get under your thigh?! I can't!" He whines.

You laugh at him as continues to complain.

"Are you done yet?" You question.

"I barely got one leg done!!" He calls back, "I think I pulled a muscle in my leg!"

You stifle your laughter.

"One down one to go." You hear him say to himself.

"Damn it!" He yells.

"Did you cut yourself again?" You question.



"Argh my back hurts." Bokuto whines as he lays on your bed again.

"Now you know the part of the struggle of being female." You laugh patting his head.

"I will never criticize how long you take showers ever again." He declares and you hum, "but feel my legs! They're so smooth." With that he sticks his leg towards you.

You feel his now shaven calves and stifle a laugh when you feel a patch of hair.

"Koutarou." You start and he hums at you to carry on, "you missed a spot."

"Damn it!" With that he get back up and goes into the bathroom probably to shave that spot.


"Dude, dude." Bokuto says in the joint practice with Nekoma the next day as you observe them next to the coach.

"Feel my legs." He nudges Kuroo and said person does running his hand up from Bokuto's calf to his knee since he hasn't put his knee pads on yet.

"Dude they're so smooth. Did you shave?" Kuroo says and Bokuto nods giving him a proud look.

You stifle your laughter and coach and Akaashi give you a look.

"It took him thirty minutes to shave his legs and he had to go back and reshave like twice." You giggle.

"Dude you missed a spot." You hear Kuroo inform.

"Damn it!" He whines throwing the volleyball that was in his hands onto the floor.


What did I just write? Omg.

Short and weird and I'm sick but somehow motivated to write?

Idk this was originally going to be a Tanaka one shot but I felt this fit Bokuto more soo...

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