Sawamura Daichi x Reader

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Being in a long-distance relationship was hard work. You and Daichi worked hard to keep in touch, texting and Skype-ing as much as possible, but soon the messages and online video chats got shorter as you both became to involved with other things such as school and club activities.

So you were really excited when he told you he was coming to visit you in three months.

"[y/n] I can't wait to see you, I really miss you." he says when you are both chatting on Skype.

"I miss you too, I can't wait too see you either. I'm even counting down the days." You say sheepishly running a hand through your [h/c] hair, before you both continue having a conversation about what's recently happened in your lives.


Today was a big day for you, kinda, it was you birthday. You were a little disappointed that you wouldn't being seeing your boyfriend for two more months, but after waiting eight months to see him face to face, two months is nothing.

Even though it's your birthday, you can't help but to be a little gloomy, and your mom notices it. She's trying her hardest to keep a smile on your face, with a special birthday breakfast and everything.

"Mm [y/n] I've got a surprise for you." She cheers happily, after she checks her phone, pulling you from your comfy spot on the couch.

"But, mom said he'd call me in a bit." you whine reaching towards the cellphone you dropped on the couch as she drags you towards the garage.

She doesn't give in to your protests and eventually you give up, standing in front of the garage doors and looking at you mom questionably as she activates the garage door opener to reveal...

Your empty driveway.

"Wow mom, a driveway, just what I always wanted." you say sarcastically, turning to look at your mom, who is now recording you on her phone.

You narrow your eyes and you're about to add some more sarcastic retorts when you feel arms wrap around you from behind, the hands holding chocolates and roses wondering whose hugging you, you turn your head to the side to see your boyfriend of eleven months, Sawamura Daichi.

Almost instantly you let out a cry of happiness and turn around to hug him back. He hugs you tightly as if you'd disappear if he let go.

He notices your tears eyes before you do and moves back to put the stuff down, but you don't let him and your mom laughs a little before she just takes the stuff from his hands, bringing them inside to leave you two to have your moment.

"Did you miss me that much." he chuckles softly squeezing you a little tighter.

"You have no idea." you sob a bit happy to see him, not a digitalized video chat and in the flesh.

You and spend a majority of your birthday just hugging, and even crying a bit, in your driveway, happy to be in each other's arms for the first time in months.


It's so short... and fluffy...
(^◇^;) I couldn't think of anything... ehh

I don't own the photo I found it on google....

[kinda edited...]

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