Tsukishima Kei x Reader

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You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

The girl giggled as her boyfriend grabbed her hand, stopping her from skipping forward anymore, and pulled her into a hug.

Kei was never one to be affectionate, especially in public, but today he just wanted to have [f/n] near him all day. So here they are wondering around town, not having any particular task in mind other than to spend the day with each other.

You make me happy when skies are grey

It took a loud clap of thunder to snap the lovely couple out of la la land, and for them to notice a storm was rolling in.

"Let's find shelter before it starts to rain." Tsukishima says pulling his girlfriend along and towards his house, which was closer than hers was.

Rushing through the empty streets, the couple manage to make it inside before the storm hits.

"Phew that was close." She says plopping herself onto the sofa, silently happy that she didn't have to stand anymore.

"What do you want to do now? Watch a movie or get utterly crushed in Mario Cart?" He asks making his way (downtown! Walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound *slapped*ヽ('o`;)towards the entertainment systems in the living room.

"I don't feel like loosing today, so a movie." She states closing her eyes and letting out a small yawn.

He shakes his head before putting in a movie she always seems to want to watch, before grabbing the remote and sitting down beside his tired girlfriend, who, after noticing the lack of cuddles, decides to take the initiative and lean her head down on his shoulder.

You'll never know, dear, how much I love you

He looks at [f/n] and smiles slightly when he notices she's asleep. He grabs the blanket, that's hanging off the edge of the sofa, and throws it around them. Cherishing the peaceful moment between the two wanting to stay like this forever.

Please don't take my sunshine away


I tried a song one shot~ yay!

Disclaimer- I do not own the song, the picture or any Haikyuu characters

[edits made??]

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