Akaashi Keiji x Reader

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You sighed, attempting to think of a way to resolve your issue of unrequited love with your childhood friend. You always wondered how he thought of you, being the optimist you are, you greatly hoped that he shared the same feeling you did. And of course on the day you were planning on spilling your feelings to him you found out how he felt about you. 

Whenever you had attempted to confess to him before, you were always interrupted, usually by Bokuto wanting another toss or asking you to be a wing man for him, or a random classmate asking for a copy of either of your notes.


"Hey Akaashi, what's the deal with you and [l/n]?" Bokuto questions as you step onto the top step in front of the gym doors, causing you to perk up a bit.

"Yeah are you guys dating or what?" Komi questions stretching his limbs, getting ready for practice.

Of course you being curious about your childhood friends feeling, you eavesdropped like a boss. Peeking through the crack in the gym door and listening intently.

"We're just childhood friends," He replies as he does his own stretches, you release a small huff of annoyance.

"Really? It seems a little different from that." Konoha snickers, grabbing a ball and spinning it around in his hands.

"If anything, she's like an annoying little sister who I constantly have to watch over." He says, and you feel your heart clench as you suck in a deep breath.

"[l/n]?" Washio questions and you look at him like a deer caught in front of headlights.

You slam the door to the gym close before sprinting off. With holding tears that are threatening to run down your face. So that's it huh? An annoying little sister? Just remembering his words makes your heart hurt. It's like the friend zone but worse.


So you do what any rational teenage girl would do when her long time crush completely shattered their heart...

You avoided him.

Childish yes, but just looking at his face make you want to curl up into the fetal position and start bawling. Of course you both being in the same class made it difficult for you to avoid him, especially when they decided to draw lots for the new seating arrangement.

"Hey Akaashi, what number did you get?" A random person asks and you secretly listen in on the conversation as you pick your own number.

"Ah, 16." he says holding up his paper and you look up at the board as you read your number.

You thank the gods when you look and see your number isn't anywhere near 16, which is the second row closest to the window at the very back seat. You got 1 which is in the very front of the class by the window.

"Teacher, can I switch seats with someone up front? I can't see the board that well." The last kid in your row says raising his hand.

"Very well, switch with [l/n]" Sensei says and you start cursing the gods you were thanking just a minute ago.

Now because of this you have to sit right beside him... shit...


About thirty seconds until the bell chimes, signaling to the students that they can go home you hurriedly pack your things. When the bell goes off you rush off to hurry and get home.

"[f/n]! Wait!" A voice yells, you know exactly who it is but you choose to ignore it and weave through the crowd of people desperate to get home.

A hand grabs your wrist pulling you to a halt, you turn to glare at Akaashi who in return grimaces slightly.

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