Matsukawa Issei x Reader

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You pace back and forth in your apartment, thinking of what to do with your current dilemma. In the apartment above you, you keep hearing a dog running along the floors and the occasional bark here and there and you feel conflicted on what you're to do about it.

You decide to talk to the owner before you change your mind. You quickly leave your apartment, climbing up the stairs in determination before looking at the door of the apartment that sits directly above yours. You take a deep breath and knock before you can chicken out and leave.

With the knock comes the barking of the dog, telling it's owner that someone's at the door. Said door soon cracks open to reveal dark eyes peeking through to look at you.

"Can I help you?" The male questions in a voice that sends shivers down your spine.

"Hi, sorry. Um I live in the apartment below." You state a sudden nervousness creeping up on you, "And I hear your dog running around and barking all the time." You say sheepishly.

"Oh I'm sorry if he's disturbing-" He starts before you shake your head no.

"No, no it's fine I was just hoping to um, maybe I could pet it?" You question with a sheepish grin while in return he blinks at you.

"Oh?" You can't see his face fully but his eyes say his smirking, "Sure, Shredder come!" He calls as he opens the door to let you in.

Walking in you can see the man is easily six feet tall. He has messy black hair and rather thick eyes brows but somehow they seem to suit him.

You stop ogling him the moment he bends down to pet his dog called 'Shredder'

"Aw he's adorable," You say crouching down and letting the dog sniff you hand before petting him.

The dog is a cute little black dog about medium size who seems a little more on the shaggy side.

"He doesn't look like a Shredder to me." you say rubbing him tenderly behind his ears as the dog slowly closes his eyes indicating he likes what you're doing.

"You should see him around paper." The guy snorts, "I'm Matsukawa Issei."

"[l/n] [f/n]" you say as you start rubbing Shredders back and the dog rolls onto the floor silently telling you he wants a belly rub, which you comply with because this dog is being too cute.

"Well that's funny, he usually doesn't like new people." Matsukawa says adding a boost to your ego.

"Dogs are usually a good judge of character." You chime and Matsukawa hums a tone of amusement.

"Are you saying I'm introducing him to the wrong people?" He questions, probably an attempt to tease you.

"No, I think your dog is telling you that you are." You tease back sending him and amused look.

"Guess Oikawa isn't allowed to come back." Matsukawa says loudly, causing you to give him a look of confusion.

"Rude!" A voice yells followed by some laughs from where you suspect to be the living room, and you tense up at the thought of having interrupted something.

"Oh! I didn't know you had company!" You say surprised, mostly because they can most likely hear everything you've said and you feel embarrassed. You stand up and bow, "I'm sorry for intruding." You say as the dog jumps at your knees wanting more pettings.

"No, it's fine." Matsukawa waves off and you take your leave, happy to be able to pet a stranger's dog.


You search for your keys as you stand in front of your door, you check your bag first shuffling through it's contents in attempt to find them. When you come up empty you check all your pockets and repeat the process until you hear shuffling of paws on the floor.

"Shredder!" You faintly hear as you feel something press against your leg.

You look down to see Shredder standing on his hind legs with his front paws resting on you calf.

"Hello little one." You say forgetting your task as you crouch down to pet him you hear a jangle and realize your keys are in your hand, "What are you doing down here?"

"Running away from his owner apparently." Matsukawa voices causing you to chuckle.

You continue to pet the dog as he rolls onto his back and wiggles around on the floor.

"Maybe you just aren't giving this cutie enough love loves."

"Love loves?" He questions with a teasing smirk and you pout.

"Attention." You say as Matsukawa hooks a leash to the collar of Shredder and picks him up.

"You know, some people say that owners and dogs share a resemblance. So wouldn't that make me a cutie?" Matsukawa questions holding Shredder up beside his face.

"Hm you're cute, just not as cute as Shredder." You tease and he pouts before perking up a bit.

"Ah but you're not denying I'm cute?" he teases.

"Your dog is still cuter!" Another voice adds and you see a light haired brunette standing on the stairs, judging by the grin on his face he looked like he was waiting for his chance to mess with Matsukawa.

"Oh shut up Hanamaki!" He calls and said person raises his hands up in mock surrender before heading upstairs.

"Friend?" You question.

"Since high school," He nods rubbing the back of his neck, "And roommate."


With that you and Matsukawa talk to each other whenever you see each other. Sometimes it even goes to being invited to movie night at Matsukawa and Hanamaki's.

You already knew of Iwaizumi considering you both had some classes together at Uni. You met Oikawa who's been Iwaizumi's friend for apparently a long time. Along with other friends they had.

You hum to yourself contemplating what you want to do for the rest of the day. Classes are over and you're on your way home.

Walking down the street lost in thought you miss the faint yelling of a man calling out to his dog. When you see a dog run past you, instinctively you step on it's leash causing the dog to halt from it's attempt of escape.

"Shredder?" You question and the dog perks up and all but jumps on you. You pet his head and look at the direction he came from to see a running Matsukawa come to a halt a couple of feet from you.

Seeing his owner return Shredder drags you to him because apparently stepping on the leash looped it around your ankle. You try to stop him but the dog is very determined to get (you two together) to his owner.

Shredder happily runs around the both of you causing the leash to entwine you together. To save yourself from falling you grip onto the front of Matsukawa's shirt while he holds your shoulders.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say Shredder is trying to get us together." Matsukawa teases and you purse your lips.

"Literally." You raise you eyebrow looking at your current situation.

"Why not give him what he wants?" He questions mirroring your face.

"Matsukawa Issei, is that your way of asking me on a date?" You tease grinning at him.

"Maybe." He says twirling you both around so your little get together comes undone.

He squats down and grabs your ankle and you lift your foot so he can take the leash off.

"So what do you say?" 


I feel like these keep getting shorter and shorter... Oh well. Hope you all had happy holidays! School starts back up for me in like two days and I'm almost dreading it. 

On the plus side I got accepted into the college I'm wanting to go to!

Feel free to request scenarios or certain people and I'll try my hardest to get them done!!

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