Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader

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Today was like any other day, except for some reason you had a great feeling about today. You had no idea as to why you felt on top of the world, you just felt like something good was going to happen.

"So far so good." you state to yourself checking your appearance in the mirror, your hair falling just how you wanted it to, you adjust your Shiratorizawa High uniform before announcing to your parents that you're leaving for the day.

Realizing that everything this morning is going so smoothly you see that you have half an hour to get to school, which is more than enough time.


"[nickname] your glowing." Your best friend states bluntly during lunch, noticing the flowery and sparkly aura you've had all day.

"I'm just so relieved you know," you sigh happily watching your class mates leave the classroom or bunch desks up together, "tests are over with, and summer break is coming around... it's... very refreshing." you say giving your best friend a very genuine smile.

"Could you tone down the brightness? It's giving me a headache." your friend says rubbing their forehead, before opening their yakisoba bread.

"Don't be a wet blanket." you retort tilting your head to the side, before standing up to go buy yourself a drink.

"Hey, Refreshing-san, get me a melon soda please." Your friend asks, well er more like demands but you just give them a thumbs up before leaving the classroom.


The walk to the vending machine you were humming a tune that was stuck in your head while walking past the gym. You hear the sound of squeaking shoes, and objects bouncing off the floors and walls. You assume it's the volleyball team, you heard that the Shiratorizawa Boys Volleyball team was the best in the Miyagi prefecture but you've never actually seen them play before.

Being a little curious you decide to take a little peak through the open door that's letting the hot air ventilate out. You see the members all working hard, running drills you probably couldn't explain until you observed more.

"Can I help you?" a deep voice questions from behind you, causing you to freeze up before turning around to face the owner of the voice.

You see the brunette, Ushijima Wakatoshi, from your class, just standing near him you can tell he has an overwhelming presence, even off the volleyball court.

"I I was just um I was just observing." You squeak out causing the guy from you class to raise an eyebrow at your sudden voice change from how it usually is.

"Watch out!" A voice inside yells causing you to turn to see what was happening, and of course a lone volleyball is hurdling itself quickly towards your face, you just stand there clenching your eyes shut, bracing yourself for the impact (dodge reader-chan!! You'll die!) just waiting in anticipation for the pain that's fixing to come.

'Please don't break my face. Please don't break my face.' you chant to yourself in your mind clenching your eyes harder, feeling that the volleyball is sure taking it's sweet time to break your nose, before peeking an eye open to see a hand in front of your face that caught the volleyball.

"When a person says watch out I would assume that you would at least attempt to move out of the way." Ushijima says bringing the volleyball closer to himself before throwing it back to his teammates.

"T Thank you very much, Ushijima-san!" you say clasping your hands together and giving a little bow to him in appreciation for saving you from having to get plastic surgery to fix your nose, "I I'll see you in class!" you squeak hurriedly before rushing to the vending machines to get your drinks.


You sigh as you sit down in your seat, having returned with your drinks and placing your friend's drink in front of them.

"They say when you sigh it sucks the happiness out of you." your friend states opening the can of soda you got them, "what's up with you? You seemed so chipper when you left here to get drinks, did something happen?" they question taking a drink of their soda.

"I almost died!" you exclaim and your friend starts coughing their soda up.


You then further explain how you almost had your head taken off by a volleyball and how you were thankfully unharmed all thanks to Ushijima.

Sorry if this sucked... this is just how reader -chan came to like ushijima, I'll most likely make another one about how Ushiwaka and reader get together later...

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