Kozume Kenma x Reader II

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It's been a rough week for you. You feel like things just aren't going your way.

Classes are stressing you out to the point where you're wondering if an education is actually worth all the stress.

You trudge your way up to your shared apartment. Taking off your shoes and throwing your bag down along with your keys after entering, then making your way to your shared bedroom.

Your heart leaps like it usually does when you see Kenma laying on your bed playing a game.

"Welcome home." He says in his usually soft voice.

"Yeah..." You respond with a fond smile.

You make your way to grab comfortable clothes before going and changing.

When you return to the room Kenma's sat up and scooted over enough for you to join him.

So you do.

Being cuddled up together underneath warm blankets you feel all those things that were previously stressing you out and making you go crazy disappear.

You realize he has a movie on, probably for background noise as he plays his game.

Even though neither of you are saying anything you're enjoying each other's company, each other's warm.

Your release a sigh of content, adjusting your position to where you're resting your head on his shoulder.

He leans his head on yours after placing a kiss to the side of your forehead.


It's moments with you like these that Kenma cherishes the most.

He's happy and comfortable.

His favorite activity in the world paired with simply being beside his favorite person in the world.

What more can a person ask for?

"I love you Kozume." You says softly before drifting off to sleep.

Ah that's what he was missing.


Short and sweet right??

I had a sudden inspiration to write so I looked through y'alls requests and saw a Kenma fluff.

I hope it was fluffy enough though... even though it's short...

Not gonna lie I'm sick and been attempting to sneeze my brains out lately so I'm probably not in the right mind to be writing considering I can barely see straight but oh well.

Anyone want angst? I feel angsty...

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