Oikawa Tooru x Reader II

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You narrow your eyes at the man in front of you as he steels his gaze at you. You're looking for an opportunity, an opening, attempting to somehow catch him off guard.

You grit your teeth at the strain he's causing, but you are determined to stay strong.


The sound of flesh hitting wood resonates and you bow your head in defeat as cheers from the starting player at Aobajohsai are heard.

"Face it [f/n], you're never gonna beat Iwaizumi in arm wrestling." Hanamaki says grinning at you because you know he's right.

"I don't know why you're grinning." Matsukawa says, "It's not like you can beat him either." he adds successfully wiping the grin off of Hanamaki's face.

"Cold blooded." You tell Matsukawa who quirks an eyebrow at you, "Hey the only reason I lost was because I was distracted." you state firmly pointing a finger at your childhood best friend.

Which was true, the way Iwaizumi's muscles flexed when the two of you were wrestling was pretty distracting.

"Excuses, excuses." Maki retorts and you pout.

"I could beat you any day."

"Please~ I bet you couldn't even beat Oikawa." at that you and said person gave Hanamaki a look that clearly shows how offended you both are.

"Rude." Oikawa says finally deciding to contribute to the conversation.

"I could easily beat Tooru." You say that same time your boyfriend says, "I could easily beat [f/n]."

Your eye twitches at that and you give Oikawa a look, then the next thing you know you are sitting opposite of him with your hands clasped together and gazes locked.

"Okay love birds, I want a clean fight." Matsukawa says holding the top of your hands together so neither of you cheat, "Go!"

Then the struggles begins, your arm is already sore from attempting to beat Iwaizumi multiple times and Oikawa is proving to be stronger than he acts. You worry your lip between your teeth, trying to figure out how to beat him.

When the idea comes to mind you fight a smirk that's trying to appear on your face.

You pull yourself to Oikawa and apply your lips to his. He's obviously surprised for a second because his eyes widen before closing and giving into the kiss. His free hand goes to cup you cheek as wolf whistles and 'ohhs' fill the room.

"Oh get a room." Iwaizumi says and you feel Oikawa's smirk.


You break the kiss leaving Oikawa in a daze as you raise your hands in triumph.

"I win." You grin, sticking your tongue out at your boyfriend as he realizes what just happened.

"B- Hey! I was distracted!" Oikawa protests.


"You know if I remember correctly, Mattsun said a clean fight." Oikawa pouts and you laugh before kissing his cheek.

"Oh don't be a sore loser." You say patting his cheek and walking away.

"Yeah Oikawa," Matsukawa says as he and Hanamaki approach him.

"Don't be a sore loser." Hanamaki says as both him and Matsukawa pat Oikawa's cheeks.


Short and sweet. I think? I got this idea when reading Hanamaki's parameter concern thingy, which was "He can't be Iwaizumi at arm wrestling, no matter how hard he tries." 

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