Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

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"Okay Ryuu, this is how it's gonna work." An excited libero says holding his hand in the air, "first you're going to put me in this box here."

"Put you in the box okay." Tanaka repeats looking at Nishinoya skeptically, while the libero is dressed up as Cupid.

"Then you're going to ring the doorbell right, and run off." Nishinoya continues making weird hand motions, "After that [y/n] -chan opens the door, brings the package inside then opens it and wallah! I surprise her with chocolates and a teddy bear! Then after that you come inside with the bouquet of flowers!"

And that's sort of what happens....

Sort of...

Ding dong

With that Tanaka takes off in a sprint to hide behind the nearest bush, peeking out from behind, and making sure the flowers were still there, to watch the magic happen. He grins when a [h/c] girl opens the door and sees the package.

The girl tilts her head to the side in what looks like confusion before attempting to pick up the package and failing miserably. She eventually gives up and pushes the package inside.


You stand in the living room with your hands on your hips. You weren't expecting a package but it clearly has your name written on it.

You shrug before picking at the tape and tearing it off. As your about to lift the lid it opens by itself startling you before a mess of hair peeps out.

"Happy Valentines Day!" A person yells almost literally scaring the crap out of you.

So you do what any rational frighten person would do.

Your punched him square in the jaw. While screaming yourself.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Another voice from behind you yell, frightening you even more and causing you to scream louder.

You to lash out and kick the person who slumps to the ground in pain.

Once your heart rate slows down and you process what happened you sit down looking at the mess in front of you.

You recognize the two boys you knocked out as Nishinoya and Tanaka and your eyes widen seeing the gifts they had brought for you.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Those words play over in your head and you wince when you realize that Nishinoya wanted to surprise you and probably dragged Tanaka along to help him...


Tanaka and Nishinoya learned their lesson that day and made a vow to never scare or surprise [y/n] like that ever again.

I don't know what I just wrote? But happy Valentine's Day! Poor Noya. Sorry for not writing in such a long time...

Thank you to everyone who votes and comments they literally make my day. I read each and every comment and even though I don't say anything they all make me really happy.

Then I feel bad for not updating... I'll try to update more it's just Senioritis is getting to me. I'm lazy and don't want to do anything.

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