Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader

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You release a sigh as you put up the last of the cleaning utensils back into the closet. It was your day for cleaning the classroom and your just dragging yourself along after fetching your bag from your seat before making your way out of the school building and away from another stressful day of high school. You didn't mind school so much, other than the fact that you are a third year and that this is your final year of high school.

Your excited and nervous about what's to come after you graduate, but that's still a ways away. Your too deep into thought to hear the soft giggles and murmurs throughout the supposedly deserted hallway.

It's only when you're closer to the noises that you realize you might be interrupting something. You shrug it off, this is school, a place of learning, not a place to get explicit.

"Kuro~ Not here." with that you freeze, there's only one Kuroo you know and you don't want to have to come face to face with him ever again.

You shake your head before rushing past the supposedly empty classroom they're currently residing in. It's not that you don't like Kuroo, it's the opposite actually... well kind of...

You and him dated for the last two years of your middle school years. Though right after graduation he broke it off.


"I'm sorry." He says with a hand behind his neck, avoiding eye contact wanting this to not be awkward, "I-I just want to focus on the future, volleyball and studying stuff you know?"

'Does this mean he didn't think we had a future together?' you question yourself in your head, swallowing the lump in your throat and blinking the tears that are threatening to spill.

"R-really?" You ask, looking right at him.

He gives you a side glance, grimacing slightly at the look of you trying to withhold your tears.

"Yeah..." and with that he turns around to continue walking past the building to where his friends are probably waiting for him.

'I don't want you to leave' you think as the tears start spilling, desperately wanting to call out to him but not really having the guts to.

'am I not good enough?'

'was he unhappy?'

'did I make him unhappy?'

You started to doubt yourself as different negative thoughts flooded through your head. You didn't want to believe them...

You clutched the clothing over your chest as it got slightly harder to breath, choking out a sob and completely breaking down. You crouched down and clutched onto your knees as you cried.


That's one day you never want to relive again. You remember how much of a mess you were after that not knowing what to do.


Narrowing you eyes, you scrolled through your phone for possible people to hang out with. It's already been a couple of weeks into the summer before your first year of high school, and you were already bored out of your mind. You wanted to do something, social media seems repetitive, video games seem boring, and anime just got to the point of 'if I have to watch another anime that's going to shatter my heart strings into a million pieces then I'm not going to put myself through that torture because I'm not emotionally ready for that to happen again'.

You release a sigh through your lips before your breath hitches when your eyes land on a familiar name.

'Kuroo Tetsurou <3'

It was then that your break up finally settled in.

"Why do I miss him?" You question yourself out loud.

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