Kageyama Tobio x Reader

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Y'all I'm warning you now this is a smut.


You frown at the computer screen in front of you as you read the page.

"A succubus is a demon in female form or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend) that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart is the incubus." You read out loud to help you process this information.

Lately you've been feeling feather light touches and such when alone. At first the touches didn't really bother you until they got a little more touchy feely than you would like. Not even going to mention the lucid dreaming, you've on more than one occasion woken up in the middle of, but you never seem to remember the one that makes the dreams lucid...

So you decided to go to the most reliable source for weird supernatural stuff.


"So it's either a gay succubus or an incubus?" You conclude now the only thing you got to do is try to get rid of it.

You quickly type 'How to get rid of a succubus' and click on the first link that seems reliable.

"If you are having negative experiences with a succubus or incubus and want to get rid of it once and for all, you should consider reading the following:" You pause, wondering if the experiences you're having are really negative...

According to google these creatures are supposed to drain the life out of you, but you don't feel drained...

You shake your head once before continuing to read the article.

"Succubus and incubus are not attracted randomly to people...
In fact there are so many types of these beings as there are types of people
Before you understand how to get rid of a succubus or incubus you must understand why it here in the first place.
It is drawn to something in you."

You make a dull face reading that last line. As you continue to skim through the article you sigh realizing the first part is informing a person on how to have a healthy relationship with a succubus or incubus... The article tells you not to fear it or it will scare you.

You huff looking at the time on your computer realizing it's almost 1AM and that you should probably get some sleep. You turn the computer off before face planting onto your bed laying on your stomach as you groan into your pillow.

You don't realize how tired you are until you're quickly falling asleep without noticing the light touch of a hand caressing the curve of your ass.


When you open your eyes again you're on a bed in the forest. You look around in awe of the beautiful scenery. The trees were so dense that sunlight barely peeked through, the grass looked like a small sea of green as it waved with the light breeze.

You sit up resting on your hands as you further observe the scenery.

Only for you to snap out of it once you feel a finger trail up your sex causing you to simultaneously shiver and squeal.

Your head quickly snaps to see a dark hair man seductively moving between your legs. You're about to question him when he slides his tongue up the inside of your thigh causing you to emit a small gasp of surprise.

Its only when this man runs his calloused hands from your calves to your hips and up your back to pull your torso closer to him do you realize you're both naked.

He starts leaving a trail of butterfly kisses starting from your neck and going almost agonizingly slow to in between your breasts. You hook your arms around his neck slightly clawing at his back when he takes one into his mouth.

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