Ukai Keishin x Reader part II

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Its been a month or two since that drunken incident, that Keishin will absolutely not let you live down, and you two have become the best of friends. Just like back in High School. Though, much to your annoyance, with alcohol. Since hanging out with Ukai and his friends, from the neighborhood volleyball team he formed, you've started to grow a stronger tolerance to alcohol.

You weren't really surprised when you met your old neighbor, Shimada Makoto, along with Takinoue who are apparently apart of Ukai's drinking group. It was surprisingly nonchalant how well you all got along.

"I don't know what to do..." Shimada complains, laying his head on the table after a couple of drinks.

"What's wrong?" You ask, probably one of the most sober of the group, only feeling a slight buzz.

"There's this girl right?" He starts and Takinoue groans, "J just listen kay? So there's this girl right? And she comes into Shimada Mart about every day okay..."

"Okay?..." Keishin questions urging him to go on as he takes a swig of his drink.

"Because of this I've started to notice her more..." He says with his voice getting smaller and smaller with each words until he's just mumbling.

"Use your words!" Takinoue says nudging Shimada, getting annoyed.

"I said because she comes in a lot I've started to notice her more... and when she talks to me I get really nervous..." he says sounding really embarrassed, "I don't know what to do."

"Sounds like you've got a crush~" you tease adding a little laugh, "That's adorable, a grown man acting like a High Schooler in love~"

"Don't patronize me..." he groans shaking his head with his hands covering his face, "what do I do?"

"Just be yourself." Keishin says bluntly before changing his tone to sound more serious, "If she doesn't like you for who you are then she doesn't deserve you."

"Wow, you just sounded cool." You say a little dazed, causing his cheeks to turn a little pink.

"Well," He says sounding more sheepish, "My parents have been telling me to 'Hurry up and get married', and when I complained to my gramps he told me those words."

"How is Ikkei san?" you ask, "I heard a while back that he collapsed, but no one's ever told me if he's gotten better or not."

"He recently got released from the hospital and he's supposed to be taking it easy, but knowing him he's probably doing something volleyball related." Keishin sighs.

"So your folks are trying to get you married?" Takinoue questions as Keishin nods.

"You're not the only one." you grimace remembering the conversation you had on the phone with your mother the other day, "'You're not going to be twenty six and pretty forever [f/n]'" you mock, looking into your cup, swirling it around before downing the rest of it's contents.

"That is so something your mom would say." Shimada snickers.


"It could be worse." Keishin says as you both walk towards your houses.

"Hm? What could?"

"The pressure of getting married." he explains and you move your head side to side.

"She started emailing me picture of almost every available guy she knows." you hiss and he laughs.

"Mine have been trying to set me up on blind dates." He says and now it's your turn to laugh, "Hey, it's not funny." he laughs with you.

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