Book Two Of Hooking The DAN Boys series

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Okay I wanna scream right now. Should I go ahead?

Regardless of your opinion, I'm screaming (Haaaaaaaa!). Lol.

Now I feel good and much calmer but I don't promise not screaming few moments from now. So get ready to have your ears blinded.

You can't blame me though, this is my second novel ever. Oh my freaking God (Jumps up and down excitedly).

Okay okay, I am calm (Takes deep breath and exhales loudly).

Welcome! Beautiful people from all over the world! If you're seeing this, could you just take a moment and type in where you're from. I love hearing from my readers, it's one of the key things that keeps me going.

That aside, Taming A Talkative (TAT) is the second book in Hooking the DAN boys series. The first being - The Life Of A Quiet Girl. I'm sure y'all must have read it. If you haven't it's always on my profile, so whenever you're ready, you could just read it. I started this book on the 9th of January 2021.

Now to my faithful readers who has always been with me from the very beginning, Thank you and you know I won't stop saying thank you. To my New readers, thank you and I must let you know I am a very lazy writer so you've to be patient with me. Now to my ghost readers, I see you (smiles mischievously) and whoever you are, thank you.

Before I round up this introductory part, I want you to take note of these things ;

1. Do not copy or repost this anywhere. I mean this is my imagination coming to life, I wouldn't like it if someone breezed in and start to make it their own story. That's just cruel. I wouldn't do that to anyone so don't if you are thinking along that line.

2. No harsh commentaries allowed. Rather, I'd appreciate constructive criticism. That's much better.

3. If you notice any error, kindly pull my attention to it. I mean I am not perfect in writing.

4. I don't own any of the photos used. The credit goes to the owner and most of them were found in pintrest.

5. Grab a big bowl of popcorn, relax and enjoy the ride.

6. And last but not the least, happy reading everyone. Lol.

Move ittt!


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