Chapter 08- Don't Cause Trouble

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The dancers move like water transformed by music, flowing in graceful arcs, limbs in constant motion, painting a picture sound alone can never achieve.

After so many trial run, they were finally getting it and I could tell by the satisfactory look on the instructor's face that she thought the same thing.

All these I saw from where I sat on the silk soft grass beneath the afternoon sky that was cocktail-blue. I was more interested in watching Reginald and Lily. I must say they were beautiful to watch.

A babbling noise drew my attention from the duo down to the baby I carried in my arms, Caleb. I am met with smiling eyes and chubby cheeks.

He was the calmest six month old I had ever met well unless he got hungry but asides that he was a happy child and I'm sure Lilly knows how lucky she is.

I wonder how she would have coped if she had Arsenal's kind as a baby. Well mom looked crazy within the first six month and I don't doubt it would have been different in Lily's case. Gosh my brother was the most loudest, attention seeking, touchy baby ever.

It doesn't help when a shiver ran up my spine at those memories. If I told you I sneaked off to sleep in the stable just to get away from the noisy house, believe me because that's how loud he had been.

"Are you missing mommy already?" I whispered into his ears, inhaling his baby scent.

He paused to stare at me, slowly blinked twice before he continued babbling.
I couldn't help but smile. He looked so much like Lily.

It had been two weeks since I pulled that stunt at the café and I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing at how silly I had been. Reggie had been the first to recover from the sudden shock and started laughing so that even Lily joined in. Then he went on to explain how he met her in one of the classes they both have together, since they were in the same department. He must have seen how embarrassed I was and joked about how being a family man would look cute on him and that seemed to do the trick as I sat and got to know Lily better.

Lilly, I must say was a strong and vibrant lady, who finds every reason to be happy no matter the situation. At the age of twenty, she's a single mom who loves her child very much and tries to provide for his needs by working part-time at an online job and also bakes.

We as her friends have fallen into a routine of helping with Caleb especially when her hands were full. Speaking of friends, Tiffany and Stanley ought to have returned.

Earlier, we'd agree that that they would be the one who go get snacks for the group while I stay back to continue the research for the assignment given in class and watch Caleb. Well I am done with the assignment and they are still yet to return.

This past two weeks was what I would classify as stressful, exciting and as well as bonding time. Asides wednesday, I had lectures every other weekdays. I feel like I have lost weight because I haven't been eating regularly and the times I do, it's mostly junk I eat. Thanks to my aunt who had dropped by during the weekend to say hello and brought along with her, packaged variety of dishes which had lasted me through out this week.

Although Allen hadn't been around to share. As much as I would like to brush that thought asides, I couldn't help but be worried about him. It had been two weeks now since he left the house in a haste not before catching a brief explanation about some business trip.

For goodness sake! The guy is eighteen and he's going away on business trips. Whatever happened to school.

It feels frustrating not knowing much about him and I was angry at myself for being worried when it's clear he doesn't want to have anything to do with me. I cringed as memories of the night before flooded my head. I can't believe I called him.

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