Chapter 02- Don't Be A Complainer

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"Blessing?" I ask, blinking. I needed to confirm, because I didn't want to believe the physical changes of the girl standing right before me from when we last saw, few months back.

The meek-looking Blessing was gone, now replaced with a bold and daring look, because of the heavy makeup she had on. I could vividly remember how she criticized the use of cosmetics and jewelleries back in high school. How she prophesied doom to anyone who used it, backing it up with some few scriptural lines she got from the Bible. Now look who is going against those rules.

The world is sure a small place.

"Chester!" She squealed, drawing me in for a hug.

Yup it's definitely her. Asides the mole right above her lips and the constant rubbing of palms on the hem of her dress which has always been an habit for her, she has never called me by my full name.

"Oh my God, It's so good to see you after all this while." She continued, after she released me from the suffocating hug. Pardon my manners, but I was starting to choke on the perfume she wore. I really hope I don't start to sneeze.

And is it weird that she seems overly excited to see me? I mean I wouldn't classify her as one of my best buddies back in high school, seeing that we only started talking to each other on the day of our graduation ceremony.

"And you too." I reply, matching her smile.

"So what are you here for?" She ask, raising an eyebrow, "oh Lemme guess, you got accepted to study here?" She rushed on, looking all calculative and hopeful.

"You got that right." I replied, still grinning.

"Excuse me," A deep voice cut in.

We both looked up to find a clean-shaven man, who wore a blue uniform with a badge that says 'security guard' on a black pant and a matching hat to go with.

My first thought was to make a run for the door but one look at Blessing and I know we're not really in trouble as she gave the man a lopsided grin waiting on him to go on.

"I hope you girls know this is the senate building and I'm sure you must have seen the no noise pollution sign hung up almost everywhere. Just so you know, your excited screams has violated that rule by the way.

"So if you could kindly make your way out, there are several hangouts in the school premises where you could converse freely with no restrictions whatsoever." He explained, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Sure! Thank you sir." We both muttered in unison and scurry out of his presence immediately.

Where do we go? when I don't even know my way around.

"I know a really cool place we could sit and chit-chat a bit." Blessing spoke up all of a sudden as if she had read my mind.

"Awesome!" I replied, feeling happy and forgetting the plight I was in before I bumped into her. Moreover, I didn't want to go to my aunts place just yet, because I'd be alone in the two-room apartments, laying on the bed and doing absolutely nothing.


Minutes later, we were seated across from each other in an open-air restaurant. Although the place had a sense of calmness to it, I couldn't help the unease that spiraled through me. I kept glancing sideways with the hopes of finding something. Nothing.

I did a sudden whip of my head to look behind, just to see if I could find anything that seem odd, but I was met with students, loitering around. Everyone was practically engaged in one thing or the other. I let out a frustrated sigh as I turned and started to play with the necklace around my neck, seeking comfort. It has always been an habit or maybe I have gotten really attached to the necklace, seeing that it was a beautiful gift from a friend. I only pull it off when I want to use the shower.

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