Chapter 03- The Hothead

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That calm voice, that wires a soothing feeling through one's body even when in anger, was enough to tell me who I was speaking to without having to glance at the caller ID.

"Aunt Lola," I said in a more chirpy tone.

"What did I say about you addressing me by that name?" She asked quietly. Oops.

"How ya doin' momma?" I greeted once more, a smile working up to my face instantly. It's really hard to remain gloomy with her. She's always been a mother to me, although not related by blood but connected in ways I could never have imagined. For instance, taking me in her home for a short while, when I was to write an external exam. She had cared and spoilt me silly not excluding our flow of conversations.

I heard her giggle, "I'm fine sweetie, how are you? Hope you're settled in school and who's Blessing?"

"I'm good too and Blessing is just a friend, I met yesterday, after a while. You see I thought she was the one who called because I hadn't given her a response about the offer she made about me coming to stay with her. Sadly, I didn't get an accommodation in school because of a witch and her evil child." I finished raving, with a huge breath.

"Tell me 'bout it." She said, seeming not to be bothered about the last phrase. That's another quality, she's got a listening ear when you need it. I wish my mom is like that though, but she'd never let you finish your sentence before she starts to rebuke your actions. Sigh. I guess that's what makes her a mom.

And I found myself reliving the day before to her.

"Wow that's a lot," she muttered airily, when I had finished. I mumble in agreement. "I don't know why your father doesn't listen, I told him you could take one of the rooms, in one of the buildings my husband built there in lagos, but he went on to talk about burden and whatnot."

"You've done so much for my family," I stated firmly, going on to defend my dad.

"Oh please. That's nothing. Now I want you to go down to 35, Crystal Avenue. It's just a few blocks away from your school, you'd find a three storey building there," She said hastily, so there would be no room for me to cut in.

"B- b- but-"

"- I don't appreciate you staying with someone that's more or less a stranger and if it's your parent you're worried about, fear not, I'll speak to them and come up with an excuse." She cut off what was seeming to be a sputter from my own end.

"You would?" I asked in a surprised tone, all thought of arguing immediately thrown out into the wind. "Oh thank you thank you." I felt a weight lift off my shoulder that instance and started to embrace the idea of going to live in the apartment, she had arranged for me.

"It's really nothing, I'll alert the security guard stationed there, so he could show you the room and there's one thing you should know..." She trailed off suddenly.

"What?" I pressed in a demanding tone as I couldn't bear her leaving me hanging.

"Oh it's nothing, just thought it's best you'd find out on your own."

"Wait what?"I gasped, a slight edge to my tone.

"Just be prepared to get surprised-"

"I don't like surprises," I rushed on to say.

"Byeee!" She said in a sing-song tone, and the line went dead immediately.

"Oh great!" I muttered in an exasperated tone and tossed the phone carelessly on the table. I really do hate surprises.

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