Chapter 04- The Rancher's Daughter

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One year before...

Today is the day.

These are the words that accosted my awakening. I felt my heart beat fast with a mixture of excitement that spark plugs roaring my engines into the purr of anticipation and a little bit of fear which tries to overshadow the excitement, but settled with just trying to make itself known since it was unsuccessful with the former.

Asides that, the usual questions were beginning to bug my mind.

How would it be like to live in the city?

What about the plane ride? Oh God. That would be a first. I hope I don't get sick like I see in those movies.

Oh my God, would I be accepted in this new school? What kinda dress would I wear? I don't think they accept girls with hair, but I can't bear to lose my long curly hair. It's one of my best features.

I lay still on my bed with both eyes shut tightly as all these thoughts kept going on in my head. To be honest, I've been having them ever since I got the news that I would go live in a family friend's house, three months ago.

One would have expected the news to be a momentary thing where I just feel eager for a short period of time, say like a week... But I just couldn't downplay the feeling like it was some sought of a normal information.

No. It was a big deal, having lived in one place right from the time mom gave birth to me. I had been home schooled alongside my siblings. Traveling had not been an option, unless you would categorize accompanying dad into the big market once in a blue moon just to deliver some farm produce, as one. It was always a thirty minutes drive anyways.

Ranch. That's the kinda setting I grew up in and I love every bits of it, the adventures, having to be closer to nature, the bruises from learning to ride a horse and also having to know my way around the cows. Even tending to chicks was something. But the feeling of confinement got to me so much that I started to lose interest. I really wanted to see something different and for that to happen, I had to leave home.

I pause to listen to the rhythm of my heart beat once more. I don't want to stand up just yet so as not to face reality or rather my family.

"Sissy." A quiet voice called out followed by a small rap on the door to my room. If it hadn't been for the peaceful environment, I wouldn't have heard my sister.

"Stop behaving like the polite girl that you are and let's just barge in. Maybe some cold water would do the trick." A deep voice suggested.

"Now don't be such a meanie kiddo." My sister chided.

"I told you to stop calling me that. I am fifteen for crying out loud."

"Shhh! Your voice will wake her up."

"Duh! That's the main reason why we are here. To wake her up."

"Ugh! You're so annoying Arse."

"The way you call my name makes me think about my ass."

I gave an inward face-palm at that before padding towards the door, tired of hearing both my big sis and little bro banter back and forth. I pull the door open and in they came stumbling because, they had been leaning on the door.

"Good morning Chelsea. Good morning arse for Arsenal." I greeted brusquely, before walking back and plopping myself down on my bed.

Brown curly hair was the first to recover. Arsenal Da-souza, the only annoying brother I have. Here at home he's my nemesis, poking fun at me morning and night. No embarrassing story is untouchable. Oh well, I also don't sit and mope around, I fight back, hard and dirty.

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