Chapter 11- The Cold-blodded Human

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"Now, to do a recap of all I have been saying, boldly written on the board, is today's topic." Mr Alakija, our Mac 107 lecturer said, gesturing at the white board to lay emphasis. "Basic equipment used in broadcasting," he paused to study the class.

I subconsciously straightened up because I knew questions would be rolling in soon.

"Equipment are all those materials installed in the studio for the production of programmes, starting from the furniture to digital equipment," he went on, after he was satisfied that all eyes were on him.

"So who here can list seven equipments needed for programme production in the broadcast industry?" The amount of hands that shot up at that moment were uncountable that I doubt I had a chance to be called upon.

"Yes, the young lady, in pink, in the middle row," he called.

And in case you are wondering, I wasn't the one. I usually take position at the front row.

"We have the camera, tapes, consoles, microphone, audio visual players, cable connectors and speakers," she listed confidently.

"Correct! Two points for you."

The class buzzed with excitement while he penned her matriculation number down. He just confirmed that today was a bonus day.

"Since she has listed these equipments," he spoke up again, "why is it necessary to have virtually all the production equipment housed in the studio?"

My hands were readily up. I noticed few hands were up this time.

"Yes, Miss Da-souza."

I wasn't surprised that he knew me by name, that's because I tend to answer most of his questions in class. Not only his, but other lecturers.

"These equipments are necessary to have because, if any of them is absent, then production may not take place because, one of the equipment will be needed at one stage of production or another."

"As usual, you earned two points," he beamed at me before writing on the paper. "I think with that we've come to the end of the class," he announced and this earned him a groan from the class, they wanted more bonus questions. He smiled in response.

I began packing my writing materials into my bag. I feel happy because this was the last class for the day and it ended on a happy note.

"But, before I go, I said I was gonna brief you guys on an assignment that carries over fifty percent of this course..."

My ears perked up in full attention as he relayed the instructions.

"How does he expect us to go about that?" Tiffany's face were scrunched up as though she were about to cry.

I put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, relax girl. We got this." I threw her a lopsided grin.

No, we don't. I mean I am trying really hard to stop the panic from rising into a crescendo inside me.

We've been tasked with working in a broadcasting firm for two weeks and at the end of the day, submit a term paper with all that we learnt. All in the space of one month. And the annoying part is that it carries fifty marks.

She brightened up almost immediately, "Well, that's true. I could just ask my dad to speak with some of his friends."

Right! I have totally forgotten how influential her family is.

"Yay! Lucky you." I really tried being happy for her, but you could just hear the underlying envy in my tone.

"Hey, don't look sullen. I am asking for two of us," she firmly stated, as we keep walking down the hallway. I gave her a quick hug with a light squeal, feeling hopeful once again. I hear her chuckle lightly.

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