Chapter 05- Don't Be Nosy

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His spicy scent pulled me out out of my reverie as I slowly pried open my eyes to find him standing framed in the doorway with his arms crossed. I sucked in a breath at his intense gaze upon me. Something felt different about this look, he didn't look at me like he'd rather be in a smelly toilet than be in the same room with me, this felt very normal and it's getting me uncomfortable with every second seeing that I am not familiar with him showing a different expression other than disgust.

"Uhm what did she say?" I quietly asked and that seemed to make him snap out of it.

Clearing his throat, "Turns out you weren't bluffing." He said, straightening up, "I am going out now, help yourself to some spaghetti." He rushed out to say as he went to pick up what looked like a car key from the table.

"Where are you going to?"

"None of your business."

I frowned at his response, "Don't you think you are being nice by offering me some spaghetti?"

He paused by the door, heaved out a sigh and turned to face me with a crooked smile, "Don't get too ahead yourself, enjoy now cos this might be your last good meal for a very long time." He said and walked out the door.

I didn't have the chance to respond as he slammed the door shut. I punched one of the pillows beside me to let out my frustration, pissed that he got to have the last say once more.

"What does he mean by that anyways?" I thought out loud after I had calmed down.

Enough thinking about his annoying and weird behavior. I need to stay focus because he's not my priority right now. What I need right now is to eat, shower, set up my room and prepare for Monday. I finished with a mischievous smile.

"Oh monday monday! Here we come." I sang out loud, carrying my bags into my room.


"How long will it take you? You've been in there for over thirty minutes and counting. Lecture starts by ten and this is almost seven!" I wailed and continued banging on the door that had the toilet sign in a more persistent manner.

All I got in response was silence. Why do we have to share the same toilet? All I wanted to do is have my bathe and get prepared but Allen chose the wrong time to use the toilet.

I groan inwardly as I slid down the wall adjacent to his room, while I cast the toilet door a dark look, wishing it open. I wouldn't be surprised if he was engrossed in his game.

"Allen!" I cried out once more and still got no response.

I am going to kill him if I get to class late. I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to how I had gotten late to class on myfirst day in high school and it was because of him...


With every cereal I ate I got more anxious and angry with the thought of being late on my first day in school. I glanced at the grandfather clock that was hung on the wall for the umpteenth time and my heart dropped with a pang.

"Five minutes past seven." I gritted out to myself and losed appetite at the thought but I can't waste food. I could just hear dad's voice discipline me on food wastage and the consequences that comes out of it. I shuddered at the thought and continued to force the cereal down my throat.

It's been three days now since I came to live with the Abioye's and it's been exciting that is, if we scrap the embarrassing moment with Allen. I haven't conversed with him since then and I intend not to. We've both been avoiding each other and if the others had noticed, no one spoke about it. But something tells me I would be forced to speak to him this morning.

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