Chapter 09- Don't Be Stupid

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Just ask him and get this over with. I thought as I let us both into the house. With this conclusion, I spun around to tell him what was bothering me and ask him what he knew but immediately put it on hold.

"Where are you going to?" I ask after a few a second of assessing the situation.

His hands froze on the doorknob and when he faced me, his expression held the look of a kid who had just been caught stealing from a cookie jar. I can't believe he was gonna leave again without telling me where.

Wait am I that terrible? Cos he was literally sneaking out.

"I will be back soon. I just needed to check in with someone."


"I don't understand what you mean by who. Am I actually supposed to tell you who I am meeting with?" He asked with furrowed brows, looking all confused.

I gave an inward face palm. What was I expecting?

"You know what? Just go and never return." I lashed out before marching to my room.

"Why so mean?" His question trailed behind me but I was too occupied to respond, mainly because I have no words to justify my anger.

I can't believe that I actually missed him. Now that he is here, what exactly am I gaining? The answer is nothing and just getting pissed. He should have just stayed wherever he was and let me have my peace.

All these thoughts kept hovering in my head as I stripped to just my underwear. I really don't know what else to do to get him to warm up to me. It's been over a year now.

Well I don't care anymore.

Giving a loud huff, I fell face flat on my bed. I might as well get some sleep before meeting with the others in the evening. And also forget about Allen for a while cos I really can't deal with the overbearing thoughts of him.

Moreover, I don't care if he gives me attitude, I am still gonna ask him what he knows after my nap.


"Where in the heavens is this shoe?" I muttered under my breath as I frantically searched the rack. I let out a sigh when I didn't find it there. And I don't have any other shoe that matches with what I am wearing. I really need to find it because I can't go through the emotional stress of picking an outfit again.

"What are you looking for?"

"The second leg of my shoe." I wailed not caring that Allen was suddenly in my room. "Have you by any chance come across this?" I asked raising a black heel towards his direction. He stood framed in the doorway, his eyes trained on me. It took all the power I had not to brush an invisible hair.

"Nope. And what's the occasion that you are dressed up like that?"

"It's nothing serious. Please can you search your room for me?"

"In case you didn't notice, I don't wear heels."

"I know. Just help me cos I'm running out of options here and time too."

"Checked under the bed yet?"

Realization hitting me in the face. Why didn't I think of that? I immediately got on all fours searching beneath the bed.

"I know you wouldn't go for a study in that dress so I am guessing it's a party you are attending. I thought you didn't like parties." He pushed further.

"Found it!" I yelled. Feeling happy and relieved. "And it's not a party party. It's a hangout or so. That's what Stanley said and I'm banking on his words. Besides how did you know I don't like parties?"

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