Chapter 14- Girl of his dreams

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Why wouldn't he wake up? Are the treatment not working? Although, the doctor had assured us, by us I meant I and Allen's parent that he'd be soon. As he is still so weak, hence his unconsciousness. But it has been over three hours since the arrival of the doctor and nothing has happened. The only changes I noticed was that his face now held a peaceful look which indicated he wasn't in pains any more, and his body was getting a little too warm.

"I would be leaving now cos my attention is needed at the office," the doctor said, breaking the quiet that once surrounded the room.

I felt nervous instantly, as I watched him replace the now empty drip with a new one. Surely, he can't leave us alone. What if something happened and I didn't know what to do? No, I can't think like that. I would have really loved for him to be in the hospital where the watchful eyes of doctors would be. But the doctor had said something about it aggravating the situation as Allen isn't a fan of the hospital.

"Although he might have a slight fever while I am gone," he went on. "All you just need to do is sponge his body with tepid water."

"Okay," I replied. That, I can do.

"And if there's anything odd or once he wakes up, just put a call through to me or text me."

I nodded in response as he handed me his business card.

"And don't worry, he'd be fine by morning," he assured, replying my unspoken question. I only managed a weak smile at him.

Few minutes later, I and Allen were alone, I couldn't help but stroke his hands with the hope that he'd be conscious of it and he would open his eyes. But all I got were few twitches. The screen of my phone came on. Suddenly remembering the pending calls to my family and his friends asking to keep them updated. I shot a brief text telling them the latest developments, as I was too tired to speak to anyone at the moment.

I noticed it was just five in the evening and the anxieties were back. The next morning feels like a long time. I just want him to wake up now, so he can tell me he feels better. Or say something, anything. Even if it is a rude remark. I just want him to wake up.

My restlessness caused me to whisper random things to him. I wonder what Allen would say if he knew what happened today. He would only shake his head in disapproval and say, "learn to watch what you say, it's not all the time you utter the first thing that comes to your head, some people might not like it and instead of taking correction, they hate you. You really don't want to have so much haters."

Thinking about it now, he had somehow been involved in every dispute or trouble I had gotten involved, back in secondary school. Always there to have the last say or according to him, stop me from doing any more damage. One would have thought that with how big my mouth is, I'd have actually prompted some haters to gather and plan a way to sabotage me like they always threatened. But I left that school unscathed and that was coming as a surprise to me now.

I let out a loud yawn, remembering how tired and hungry I am. But I wasn't ready to leave his side, I want to be here incase he comes awake.

I must have fallen asleep because I was suddenly sitting upright, trying to clear my foggy brain on where I was and what had jolted me awake. I felt around for my phone, trying to lighten up my surrounding as it was pitch-black.

"Matilda," a voice groaned out in pain. Then as if a switch was pushed in my brain, everything came rushing back.

"Allen?" I quickly reached out for my bedside lamp, turning it on. First thing I noticed was how Allen was soaked in sweat. All too soon, I realized how hot his body was because his grip on my hand was tighter than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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