Chapter 07- His Demons

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If I saw a bed right now I swear I wouldn't hesitate to get on it and shut my eyes so my body gets the well deserved rest it had been craving for the past two weeks. I thought as my boss and I silently stacked the remainder of the paper works neatly in a folder.

"Gentlemen," came a deep voice, "sorry to have kept you waiting but I thought we'd toast to a successful business deal." Charles Udom, a rotund looking man that's of average height said, as he set a bottle of wine with three bordeaux glass on the table before us.

My boss and I gave an appreciative nod as we watch him fill the cups with the wine. Done with the stacking I couldn't help but think of how tedious it had been to work with this man. Being the owner of a well accomplished broadcasting station, it was expected.

Developing an app for his company hadn't been easy because it came with testing ones creativity on how to go about designing features that'd serve the company's purpose. Yet, my boss the owner of Brandon technologies, one of the best computer software firm in Nigeria had trusted me to handle the project.

At first when he had briefed me about it, I thought it was because he knew who my dad was and wanted to give me special treatments but I realized he only wanted to test my abilities and see if I could put what I have learnt from his organization to good use as an intern.

And I am glad to have succeeded with the help of my team members. Now all I needed was that bed. Letting my head fall back on the soft cushion, I closed my eyes briefly as I savor the red wine and tried picturing my room but her image was what popped up instead. Manchester Hadiza Da-souza.

Groaning inwardly, I opened my eyes immediately and blow out a frustrated sigh. She's the last thing I want to think about right now.

Yet, I find myself picking up my phone to check for signals and the green light indicated she was in the hostel. She's safe.

I forcefully swallowed a mixture of wine and guilt at the thought of putting a tracking device on her without her consent. Even if I asked, she wouldn't have accepted and I needed to do it for her own protection if I didn't want history repeating itself.

History came rushing back with flahes of a screeching car, then a bloodied body being wheeled down the corridor of the hospital into the theatre, in bits. I forced my mind to shut the image out. I can't break down here. I warned myself.

I wonder why I am doing this. Why I am here instead of being in school.

Is she even worth this feeling of protection I have towards her?

Why does she have the same character with that of Matilda?

At the thought of Matilda, I felt my hands in tremor. I inhaled sharply and exhaled warning myself not to break down again.

Although I became steady but It still doesn't help dousing those demons that are threatening to break lose.

F*ck this. I need that sleep badly and hopefully I get it without having to deal with trouble that was Manchester.

"Are you gonna pick that or what?" My boss's voice cut into my inner battles.

Thankfully, they had been too focused on their conversation to notice how my hands were trembling.

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