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Nine months ago...

Greenland International schools.
Somewhere in senior class 3.

Tranquility engulfed the large hall, but the looks that etched the faces of student said otherwise. It was that of agitation.

I for one was skittish, as I made sure I didn't lock gazes with any of the teachers that paced the hall like lions ready to pounce on their prey.

I knew I wasn't the prey but if care was not taken, I'd be used as a tool to claw the target.

"For the last time, who placed the drugs in Sarah's drink at the party y'all attended yesterday?" Mr Clinton, the Biology teacher bellowed. That was enough to send everyone's heart racing. He was clad in his signature outfit - A dark grey turtleneck on a light brown patterned pants, with a black sneakers to go with.

I wonder how he survives the heat. I mean it's mid February, and the sun is burning hot. Anyone who resides here in Abuja could attest to this.

"Ss-Sir." Someone called in a quiet tone, breaking the agitated stillness once again. The owner of the voice, sat at the front row.

By now every students heart were in their throat, as we watched with rapt attention. I wasn't even sure if I was breathing. But if I wasn't, I'd be dead right? Ugh! These biology stuff gets me confused atimes. Hell I am not even sure if it's biology, it might be physics for all we know...

"Speak up! And stop wasting our time, young lady!" Mr Clinton spoke in a sharp tone, before I could continue my dumb thoughts.

"Errm- I just wanted to let you know I didn't attend the party yesterday. My parents are pastors in their church, they would never allow me attend such, so please sir, I don't know anything about it." She ended with a loud sniff and rubbing her palms against her school skirt. Since the time I came newly to this school three months ago, I have never really interacted with her as she's always given off the lonely vibes.

"No one asked you Blessing. I've got a list of those who attended, here with me." He said, raising a sheet of paper inked with words.
"And listen up class, don't call my attention to anything asides confessing or else..." He paused, with a hint of threat to his tone.

"So class, for the last time, who drugged Sarah?" He asked again. I could see he was beginning to get frustrated as his lips were set in a thin line and the holes in his nose were opening wide. That could possibly take in large amount of air.

I gulped at the sight.

Meanwhile, the other teachers were still striding around the hall.

"What do you wanna hear? To tell you I did something I knew nothing about?" A voice boomed from behind where I sat. Every heads including mine turned to look at who dared utter those words. I had a feeling everyone knew who must have, but anything to reduce the tension.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Derrick, one out of the famous DAN boys giving the female teacher who towered over him, a what-the-hell look.

The guy is ever so aloof, you hardly know what he is thinking. He keeps girls at arms length. To those who believed they could change him, they never lived to tell the story. Of course they aren't dead, just somewhere you know. The only time we spoke was when he helped me in drawing a bird in less than five minutes. Before you say that's easy, remember not everyone is gifted with that kind of talent.

"Ma, we're so sorry for his outburst. He's just in a sour mood." Nicholas, who sat beside Derrick pleaded, wearing a puppy face. He is also amongst the DAN boys. He is the flirt out of the lots and enjoys the chase he gets from girls. His drop-dead gorgeous face and drool-worthy body makes it a lot more easier. I might have had a one-week crush on him because he was really friendly to me. He still is though, but the feeling just ain't there.

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