Chapter 13- Unexpected Twist

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Saturday morning rolled by with an unexpected twist. My usual routine of sleeping all through the morning into noon was disrupted by a phone call that I received by 8:30am. Trust me I almost went nut when I found out too, I mean that's an unholy hour to be awake on a weekend. To top it all, I had to run helter skelter after that, to get ready for an interview I didn't prepare for. Tiffany had dumped the news on me during the call claiming to have tried her best to reach me through out the night, all to no avail. Stupid network.

Apparently, her father had secured a place for us in a top radio station. The news had immediately brightened my sullen mood of having my sleep in day interrupted. But then she went ahead to talk about the interview. I was almost chickening out from self doubt but immediately remembered that was my only chance of getting an internship, a good one at that.

So that's why I am here standing and staring at a low-rise building which housed everything a radio station would have. I took a moment to marvel at the sight  and the thought of working here soon, made me feel light headed. Geeee! I did a mental dance but that was short-lived when I caught one of the security men giving me a weird look. Okay enough crazy Manchester, time to bag that internship!

Icy air hit me in a controlled blast as I stepped into the luxurious lobby, all marble and brushed steel and gleaming wood. After glancing at a glass-shielded directory of the office floors, I approached the receptionist, her face was a polite mask. I gave her a smile that I hoped conveyed that there's nothing to worry about. I mean, I am an easy-going child so what could possibly go wrong?

"Good afternoon ma'am," I said, adjusting the straps of my handbag, which had started to slip down my arm, "uhm I am here for the interview."

"What interview?"

"Interview for the internship position."

"Your name?"

"Manchester Da-souza."

"Who asked you to come?"

"A friend of mine."

"What did you say your name was again?" She asked, now perusing a book that sat open on her desk as if checking for something.

"Manchester Dasouza," I replied, "besides, what's with all the questions?" I ask starting to get impatient. I tried craning my neck to get a glimpse of what was written in the book but it was no use and gave up.

Her head jerked up in sudden movements, eyes resting on me once more, "I can't seem to find your name on the list," she responded, her face remained carefully expressionless.

"List?" I asked, clueless.

"Yes. If you could just take a seat, I need to put a call through to the manager," she said, putting on a strained smile. When I didn't move, she eyed me warily, clear she didn't want me listening in on her conversation with this so-called manager. I sigh and left her presence.

I was just about to put a call through to Tiffany when I caught sight of her stepping out of an elevator I didn't know was there until now. I noticed another woman beside her, they were both in a discussion so they didn't see me waving crazily at them. I ran to meet up before they went the other way, not caring that the receptionist was already calling me back to stay put.

"And I have told you to call my father after his meeting and ask him. I am sure it slipped his mind." Tiffany said hotly. By now I was just a few steps away. Either I was invisible or they were too engrossed to notice a new audience.

"Well until then, I am not considering her cos we have limited slots available." It was the woman this time around.

I don't know why, but my gut tells me that I was the subject of their discussion. And I really should have listened to the receptionist. There's still time to walk away but I was too curious to move.

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