Chapter 06- Until I Met You

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How on earth could someone this grown with protruding muscle still look like a cute baby of some sought... I am certain I had spent a good number of hours just staring at his twinkling eyes and how adorable he looked, totally forgetting how furious I had been.

God sure did spend a looottt of time on this one because he was a fine hot specimen walking on planet earth. I hope he's single though.

"Hey sorry to scare you but I was wondering if you were for this class?"

I think I might be dead because his voice sounds like heaven.

"Class? What class?" I stupidly ask, still wearing that dreamy look as I kept on ogling him. Already thinking about a future with him. Our kids would be drop dead gorgeous.

"Oh! You know MAC 101."

That seem to get me out of my daydream, "Ohh yes. Yes I am."

He let out a huge breath, "Thank God." He said.

"Is something wrong?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"It is nothing to worry about. I guess we both are the early birds."

"Early birds? Just the two of us?" I ask, all the while eyeing the people that were in the hall and he nodded with a response, "What about them?"

"They are not for the class. According to them they are here for one thing or the other."

"And how do you know that?" I ask now looking at him with prying eyes.

He all but graced me with a jaunty smile, "Well let's just say I went round asking each of them just the way I asked you and was starting to think I was in the wrong class until I met you... "

Until he met me? Is it me or that sounded cheesy but who cares, I love the way he said it. Until I met you.

"... It's a relief I am not the only early person now." I heard him say once again.

Allen's word and his stupid Uni 101 whatever came rushing back but I brushed it aside. "It doesn't hurt to be early though." I stated firmly. I won't let the thought of him ruin this moment.

"Yeah. Well I am Reginald." He introduced with an outstretched hand.

I took it and was amazed at how soft his hands were.

"Manchester. I am Manchester D'souza." I replied, flashing him a smile.

"Wow. You've got lovely names." He complimented and I blushed even harder, "So are you from here because your names doesn't sound Nigerian?"

"I actually am. I am from the North."

"Oh wow. Kina lafiya?"

Shut. Up. My fell open at how easily he went from speaking English to speaking Hausa without any difficulty. Isn't this amazing?

"Lafiya lau." I responded, grinning from ear to ear.

I don't know why but I felt really really happy meeting someone for the first time. Maybe it's because of how he had spoken hausa to me or how he hadn't discriminated my name.

"Why do you look surprised?" He asked.

Realizing I still held on to his hand, I let it go immediately and started to play with my necklace, ignoring his raised eyes.

"Oh well.. It's just the fact that I didn't expect you to be so many things." I said and he chuckled lightly.

"With me anything is possible." He said coming around to take a seat beside me, "So tell me, judging from your surname there must have been a Portuguese in your line of ancestry."

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