Chapter 01- Don't Be Rude!

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Present Time...

Standing rooted to the spot as I watched in stupefaction at the hustle and bustle going on around me. I have never seen anything like it. I might have watched, read and heard stories that surrounds the 'City of Lagos'. Which was quite unbelievable by the way.

But you know the saying "-Seeing is believing -" I have been here for just two days now and it still feels hypnagogic. Crazy, I know.

The city was a Vast, Intricate, Labyrinth of noisy streets and alleys. You could hear the incessant honking of the vehicles even before the sun rose. Impatient businessmen who had to get to the office, mothers who had to leave their children at their schools, facing the puzzling challenge of navigation through the crowd. It was the definition of busy, regardless of the time and place.

"Get out of the way!" Someone yelled.

I stumbled over even before I knew it was I the person was referring to, for I had been roughly pushed away from my initial spot.

It was difficult to identify who had done it because when I looked up, I found people seemingly aimless, milling around.

A ding sound from my phone alerted me of an incoming message. I had to take cover under one of the bus shelter, I couldn't risk getting hit again. Once I was settled, I swiped my phone screen to read the text. The message read thus -


One thing was certain, I wasn't gonna respond. I mean, it's been over twenty minutes she dropped me off at the terminal and I haven't even made progress. She'd be disappointed.

Before that can happen, I need to get a move on. I swiftly turned to my right and tapped on the shoulder of the person closest to me and I regretted the action immediately.

A woman who was huge in every way, wide and tall, leg as big as an elephant's, faced me with a frown that couldn't go unmissed, wolfing down a big corn all the while.

"Whoftt?" She asked in between taking a large bite.

Fighting the urge to wipe off bits of the corn that had landed on my face, "Please can you direct me on how to get to West-prime University?" I calmly responded.

"Fresh meach, I shee!" She exclaimed, yet taking another big bite, not minding if her mouth was still filled from the previous.

"Uh yeah?" I replied, unsure. I really don't get the idea, why they term new students, fresh meat. I hope she'd go straight to answering my question now. If you lots were in my position, you'd have left her presence immediately.

"Sho! What are you planning on doing there?"

This can't be happening, I asked a simple question and I got a twisted reply in form of questions. One word for this - Nigerians.

"Isn't that obvious ma'am? You just called me a fresh meat, which I humbly agreed to by the way, if it's not because of schooling purpose and not knowing the way, why else would I go there?" I let out an audible breath after my rant.

"Goodluck finding your way, rude!" She screeched and I swear to God, my face just got brighter with lots of yellow corns that flew from her mouth.

By the time I was done cleaning my face, she was gone.


West-prime would just have to hold on a little bit until I know my way. I should have just listened to aunt Sophie when she was giving me the directions instead of getting lost in thought, with the city of Lagos!

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