Chapter 38. Unexpected guests

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At the Royal Academy

"Hello! We are sorry to bother you! Is this the building of the watcher students? We were directed here by the guards!" Politely asked Robert, while still retaining his proud beta face.

Four days had passed since the ball, but Celia's parents had not managed to catch even a glance of their daughter, so they had no choice, but to visit the Academy.

"Yes, this is the building. May I ask the purpose of your visit?" Asked the secretary, still scribbling in her notebook. Other than the first glance, she had not looked in their direction, focusing on her work.

"We are here to visit our daughter, Celia Blair." Diane affirmed proudly, slightly raising her voice. Being the mother of an alpha, how could she not make it known for all those who were passing by.

"I understand. Please wait a second for me to check!" The secretary informed them, finally closing her notebook, and verifying the current location of the alpha on her laptop. It was one of her most important responsibilities, she was the one who kept track of the watcher students, even if they were on vacation or during their personal leaves.

"I am sorry! Alpha Blair is not on the Academy grounds at this moment. I was not informed of when she will return. If you want, I can let her know of your visit when she returns!" The secretary briskly said and resumed her work, not granting them another glance.

"She is not on the Academy grounds? Then where is she?" Asked Robert surprised. Celia was an introvert person, she did not have friends and was not one who would leave to walk around. Not to mention, she should have been aware they still had not left and would probably visit her.

They knew that she had already rejected Rayan, the main reason for which they phoned her some days ago. He had not told them that, but for a reason unknown to them, the night of the ball, when they had barely returned to the guest quarters, Rayan had forcefully dragged Brianna in their bedroom and marked her. Celia must have taken away any hope he had, so he finally completed the new bond with her sister.

How could anyone even guess that a certain someone, jealous of their pack's alpha, had ordered him to finalize the marking of her sister as soon as they retired for the night. The order of the highest ranked werewolf, no matter how that person struggled, at the end had to be fulfilled.

"I am very sorry, but the location of the students cannot be disclosed to anyone."

"We are her parents, we are not anybody!" Her mother stated, flabbergasted. How could this little secretary deny her the right to know of her daughter?

"You are her parents, please contact her yourself. The alpha has her Academy issued phone with her. I am certain she will respond if you call her! Now then, please excuse me!" The secretary answered, finally losing her patience.

The fact that Celia was at the palace was not a secret, but she still would not inform others of it, even her parents, those were the rules she had to abide by.

"This little... she is not answering her phone!" Stated louder Diane, getting angrier. If Celia had answered the phone, would she come all the way to the Academy?

Why would she bother coming all the way here from their guest quarters, when it was the daughter's duty to see her parents, not the other way around.

"The fact that the alpha is not answering her phone means that she does not wish to speak with you, not that her phone is closed, correct? Then I am sorry, I have nothing else I can help you with!" Replied the secretary sharply.

She knew that the alpha was in a secure environment, so she was not concerned of her safety, not answering the phone was her private matter. And frankly, she could see why such a calm and polite person, would not want to see her parents.. It did not look like they were here, as concerned and thoughtful parents, to visit their child.

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