Chapter 2. Fit to be the Luna

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On the other side of the door, the busy bee had no idea of her siblings' verbal exchanges. Having cleaned the leftovers from breakfast, Celia quickly made her way to her room. The pain had subsided somewhat, and she wanted to finish the dress she was working on. The second best thing she liked to do since childhood was designing clothes. In fact, most of her and her sister's dresses were made by her own two hands.

Her brother preferred buying his clothes, only for his birthday would she make him a shirt or a pair of pants. As for her mother, she preferred buying branded clothes, and her dad wore what her mother bought him.

After cutting and stitching for more than two hours, she stretched her hands and lightly tapped her shoulders massaging, glad she had finally managed to complete her sister's dress. The pink mermaid dress, with a high slit on the side from the ankle to above the thigh, was an express request from Brianna, who had insisted on this particular design.

She had tried to reason with her sister that such a dress did not fit her petite size, but the latter did not want to hear it at all. She had insisted on this particular type of dress, reasoning that she had to be the most astounding of all.

Every year at the Summer Ball, unmated wolves from the pack had a shot at finding their mates. And this year was particularly special, as the young heir to the alpha position would come home and would also participate. As was the custom, alpha heirs from every pack would leave their homes at ten years of age and would go for training until the age of twenty five.

Werewolves had particular long lives, with the minimum life expectancy being 200 years old. They aged normally until they reached the age of 25 to 30, then their aging would slow down, only to resume in the later part of their life.

And as they matured, they would usually find their mates, with the only exception to this rule being the current king of the werewolves, who for some unknown reason was without a mate even though he was already a hundred years old. So Rayan, the heir of their home pack, would most likely find his mate as well.

The future alpha's mate could not possibly be another woman other than Brianna. This was Brianna's firm conviction, as she felt it was her destiny, but even then she still wanted to impress him with her looks and gorgeous style.

Taking another glance at the dress, to assure she hadn't missed any pins in it, Celia gently hanged it, making sure it did not get any wrinkles. Only after this did she start making her own dress. She was not particularly interested in going to the ball, but unfortunately participation was compulsorily.

Luckily, her dress was less complicated than her sister's, so it took only a day to make, as opposed to the mermaid gown which had taken her 4 days. Not that she could make it more elaborate, even if she wanted to. The time it took for the everyday chores and Brianna's dress had her swamped with never-ending work. Moreover the ball was fast approaching as well.

Well regardless of the time, she did not like to stand out anyway, so it did not bother her in the slightest. The off-shoulder white maxi dress, which was tight around the waist where it was secured with a black bow before spreading wavy to the floor, was perfect for her tastes.

Some more hours later, having finally finished sewing her own dress, she hurriedly tried it on and went in front of the mirror to check if other fittings were necessary. Fortunately, the dress fit perfectly, her tall stature and narrow waist, making the long gown just right for her type of body. Satisfied with her work, she changed out of it, and placed it on a hanger next to her sister's.

Barely had she hung the dress, when an excruciating pang stabbed her heart and shortly after her abdomen. It hurt a lot, more so than the other times, causing her to feel as though her heart was getting ripped out of her chest. She could only collapse on the floor, when the pain became unbearable. Scrunching her face, as beads of sweat started to appear on the small head, she was confused at the repeated bursts of pain, not understanding their cause.

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