Chapter 20. How to break a stone heart

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Ever so slowly the heart monitor could be heard. A normal heart rate should be much faster than this, the interval between the heartbeats on this monitor was too long. Each heartbeat felt like the last.


Her entire body was covered in bandages, it was littered with cuts and bruises everywhere. Her face was pale almost white. Her lips were cracked, her cheeks had lost their color and her eyes showed no sign of opening. It was already three days ago that the attack happened, but she had not shown any signs of waking up.


Her heart rate spiked again. Each time her heart beat, he felt his heart warm up, only to freeze when it took too long to hear her heart again. His entire being was focused on that sound. 

He could not bother about anything else other than this. He had not slept since he found her, his normal clean look, was now changed to a disheveled appearance.

His hair that was previously always styled properly was now unkempt, his previous clean face was now darkened by the growing stubble and the dark cold circles around his eyes. The only thing he would do was just take showers, other than that he did nothing but move between the hospital and his office. 

Fortunately the hospital was also in the compound of the palace, so he did not have to move around too much. In this way, he would check up on her several times a day, and at the same time he could also investigate the cause of the attack. To dare trespass his forest and try to abduct his people was punishable only by death. Someone was clearly not so afraid of him anymore.

It had been 30 years since the last war. At the end of it, everyone knew of his name and cruelty. They would just tremble at the mere mention of his name. He singlehandedly had massacred the same amount of rogues and other supernatural creatures as his army did combined.

Now they must have forgotten. He would have to make an example of the ones behind the recent attack. Most of the ones who had trespassed were dead and sadly one had slipped past the borders.

But he had found two while they were trying to leave the forest and were now currently kept for questioning before they were to be put to death. It would not be long until leads were found. An operation this daring would not be under the leadership of those present in the forest. Someone was clearly behind them.

Studying her face close to her side, as he found himself doing each time he checked up on her, he found she was still as lovely. Such a frail looking girl had managed to save every one of her pack members. She did not collapse even with wolfsbane in her system, which doctors were baffled about as the amount in her body was enough to kill two or three higher ranked werewolves.

When he had arrived at the castle the evening the attack happened, the smell of blood and fighting had enveloped him instantly. His heightened senses immediately detected a disturbance in the forest, so leaving no explanations to the assistants behind him, he transformed into his wolf and ran towards the forest.

The place he sensed the smells from was easy to spot, as the scent of blood became pungent with each closer step, thus with lightning speed he arrived at the attack spot.

There he saw werewolves frozen on their knees, bodies of human hunters all around them, even dismembered body parts. And a little further behind... there she stood. 

Blood was everywhere on her clothes, you could no longer see their original color, her face and hair were also splashed as though inked in the crimson color. And as she was stilled in place, he could see her eyes were as dark as night and her hand that was on a human hunter's neck had sharp long claws adorning it. She was partially transformed and her wolf had taken over. 

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