Chapter 41. A tamed wolf

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"Okay, now that the matter with the changing of the rules is out of the way, let's get started on our history class." Gabriel said, trying to deviate the students' attention, fearing someone might find a flaw in his announcement or the reason behind it. Really, he even had to miss the meeting with the Council for it.

"Can any of you tell me, what are the great taboos that have incurred the wrath of the Goddess, in our long history?" Gabriel asked, grabbing his book, while he leaned in front of his desk.

"No one?" He asked again, when he saw not one of the ten students raising their hands.

"Celia, can you tell us?" He looked towards the girl, like a teacher who would appoint the student he favored in class. If she did not know the answer to his question, then none of them knew.

"The seven great taboos committed along history are the acts collectively known as the "Peccata predecessores" or " The sins of the predecessors" , they are the only times a mistake made by a particular creature made the Goddess take actions with her own hands." Celia answered easily.

"Thank you! Indeed, as we all know, each and every creature under the rule of the Goddess, whether we are taking about vampires, witches, werewolves, fairies and so on, all have free will. Which means that, as long as one does not commit one of the seven sins, generally the Goddess will never intervene in the creatures' lives.

But in our history, unfortunately, these seven taboos have been broken at least once. Well there will always be some idiot who will think the Goddess will not intervene, but She did in some way or another each time.

Can any of you enumerate them for me?" Gabriel inquired again and, seeing that no one dared again, asked Celia to answer.

"Celia, can you enumerate them?"

"Yes. Having been assigned Latin numbers, the "Peccata predecessores" or " The sins of the predecessors" are:

I (ūnus) The eating of the flesh of mermaids, which grants eternal life to the eater.

II (duo) The stealing of a black dragon's inverted scale, which grants the stealer ownership of said dragon.

III (trēs) The creation of artificial werewolves, or commonly known as a lycans, which granted a human the powers of a werewolf.

IV (quattuor) The stealing of the ashes of a phoenix before it could revive, which granted the stealer the power of regeneration, even healing him on the brink of death

V (quīnque) The use of black magic to summon a demon by a witch, which granted the said witch 3 wishes

VI (hexa) The creation of more than a hundred ghouls by a pureblood vampire, effectively creating an undead army.

VII (septem) The killing of any ruler of any type of supernatural creatures, directly appointed by the Goddess." Celia said, finally sighing relieved, as she finished the enumeration. Thankfully, this was one of the things she reviewed the day before.

"Yes, thank you very much. That's an accurate description. Indeed, any of those particular facts will undoubtedly incur the wrath of the otherwise gentle Goddess.

And one of the proofs of incurring her anger is the killing of the queen of all the dragons, by the white dragons." Said Gabriel to prove his point, and the fact that the seven taboos were real, not myths, as they were rumored nowadays.

"Teacher I didn't know there are white dragons, I thought there are only black ones." Asked Liam, a fact known by all of them.

"Correct, there are no white dragons now, but there were before, long ago.

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