Chapter 35. The only mate

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Hearing the name "Sky" and the word "mate", made Celia snap out of her haziness, she remembered that just moments earlier she was exchanging blood with his highness, she must have fainted. And her human consciousness was brought here, but why? Was it Waning, the one who brought her?

"Sky ... Sky is the name of his highness's wolf. Then, he is your half? His highness is truly our mate?" Celia asked Waning with eyes wide open.

"Yes, he is our rightful mate, and we his rightful Luna!" Waning replied telepathically after a moment of silence. She had kept the burden herself, all this time, but by doing so she hurt him, even though she did not mean to.

Perhaps she should have said it earlier and they could have avoided this situation, but ... it could have also made it worse. Their mate was strong, that was why she had counted on him doing alright even without her, at least for a little while longer. But, Crescent she, what would have happened to her?

"You told me he is suffering, but we are now helping with his highness's treatment, is it not going well?" Celia asked worried, the most important thing was this, above all else, even if her mind was chaotic and bewildered by Waning's earlier statement.

"He is at least getting more stable, before ... his life was slipping away. I was just overwhelmed by almost losing him and by my inability to do something about it." Waning replied honestly.

"So the treatment is affective?" Asked Celia getting a bit relieved, if he was stable then the dangerous period should have passed.

Waning nodded, making Celia finally settle down in regard to this issue, and now she could return to the previous topic.

She kept silent for some time, trying to understand why her wolf had kept things hidden from her. She sighed and tried to collect her thoughts. No matter what, Waning had always put Crescent and her first, she always thought about them before herself. She was the one who had sacrificed the most.

Celia knew Waning kept herself hidden all these years because she was too strong and did not want to disrupt Celia's life, she was even content with only Crescent shifting. Whenever Celia felt lonely, she was always there for her. The only times she ever took control, was when their life was in danger.

Waning would never intentionally hurt someone, so if her actions did hurt a person, then she must have had a proper reason to do so.

"But how, why... But if his highness is my mate, then why have I not felt it? Why did I not realize it when I first met him?" Celia asked, finally deciding on what to ask first. There were too many questions she wanted answers to.

"I hid myself deep within your mind, so deep no one would have felt me present." Waning replied, bringing her muzzle down on her paws, in remorse.

Celia realized Gabriel was right before. His highness on some level, had recognized her as his, but she, she did not. She loved him, but because Waning was mostly hidden she did not feel like he was her counterpart, her half. Then where did Rayan fit in all this?

"Then, Rayan, why did I recognize him as my mate? And he also recognized me." Celia asked confused and bewildered.

"Rayan is not our mate entirely, you could even say he never was.

He is Crescent's mate. And you, having her consciousness, felt like he was indeed yours too, but he is only Crescent's." Waning replied, but seeing that Celia was confused, explained more.

"There were supposed to be two of you at birth. Diane was pregnant with a pair of identical twin girls, but each time a queen of werewolves is born her existence is too strong, more so with us being as strong as our mate. And even if there was another baby with her in the womb, the other baby would vanquish, it would be absorbed by the stronger one.

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