Chapter 40. Returning to the Academy

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Monday morning



The alarm sounded loudly in the quiet room, even though she had set it at a lower volume. It sounded one more time, before it went on to snooze for the following 10 minutes. Hearing the alarm, she sleepily opened her eyes.

It took a second for her to realize she was in Salas's room, and another second for her to freeze, as she was still not used to waking up in his room.

Luckily, she hadn't moved yet, so her first thought was to check the position of her body, she didn't want to risk finding herself like she did Saturday morning.

The previous morning, when she woke up, Salas was already gone, so fortunately she managed to avoid the embarrassing situation of greeting him first thing in the morning, after she had boldly kissed him the night before when he proposed to her.

Honestly, she did not know where she found the courage to do that, to kiss him herself. And on top of that, what was supposed to be a light peck on the lips, turned into such a deep kiss. It left her breathless with her mouth gasping for air, before he released her lips.

The emotions that had built up, with her parents visit and his proposal, coupled with the effects of the wolfbane that had not completely dissipated from her system, caused her to fall asleep, as he hugged her after their kiss.

Finally relaxing her body, as her senses dulled, she only woke up the morning after.

Then for the rest of the day, most likely occupied with his official duties, she did not even catch a glance of Salas all day. Not that she was complaining, after such a kiss, she did not know how to face him...

Did he really wait for her all of these years, his kissing technique... she had never kissed someone else before so she did not know if she could compare how good or bad it was, but in her opinion it was... Her face flushed, as she remembered the intoxicating kiss, even in her mind she could not dare think how to classify it.

"Admit it! It felt wonderful!" Waning frankly stated, using their mind link. She really was more mature than her, Celia thought.

"B-but could he really kiss someone like that without a lot of practice?" Celia shyly asked the wolf, a pang of jealousy, at the mere thought of him kissing another, sending knives through her heart.

"Just those words express your positive opinion on his kissing technique, even though you dare not say it! Hahaha!" Waning giggled.

"I will no longer talk to you!" Celia quickly said, upset to how the wolf twisted her words.

Then once again, she remembered that she had forgotten her original purpose. Yesterday, she woke up alone, but today she could hear his steady breathing near her, he had not left yet.

Well it was to be expected, she had set the clock to 5 am, to ensure she had enough time to get ready to leave for the Academy, as opposed to yesterday when she woke up at 8 am.

She briefly felt her body, concentrating on her hands and feet, and could tell she was not touching him anywhere, sighing in relief.

Very slowly, trying to assure she did not wake him up, she removed the blanket, as she wanted to already be clothed and neat by the time he woke up.

At this point, it was already too late, by now he had seen her worst morning faces several times already, she knew that, but she still wanted to look presentable.

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