Chapter 46. A werewolf's hybrid child

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Some centuries ago

Living in a tiny house at the edge of a small village near a huge forest, a family of two happily lived their days. The house even though little, was enough for the mother and son.

Their life was not exactly easy, in fact it was rather a difficult one. To provide food for her child the mother had to work a small patch of land, that was not quite suited for planting vegetables, giving her a hard time taking care of them. The vegetables provided by her small garden, other than for cooking, also needing to be used to trade for candles, clothes and other necessities for the two.

"Mom, I am going to go gather some wood!" The little ten year old boy informed his mother. To ensure they had a warm home and fire for cooking, it was one of his daily chores.

"Alright, sweetie!" Acknowledged his mother, as the boy had already taken a basket and was walking towards the door.

The forest seemed intimidating from the first step a person would take inside of it. If one would go deeper and deeper along the trail it lost bit by bit its light, because of the ever growing tall trees clustering together tighter as it reached its center, making it even more eerie. The faint light of the sun, not managing to reach the ground at all, as green vegetation grew all around.

This dark scenery, accompanied by the sounds of owls, foxes and other small animals, not to mention, the rustling of leaves that stood in the way of the ever present wind, would frighten any adult out of entering the forest alone, much more a child.

Even so, the small child entered it with glee, walking on his usual path, unconcerned about such matters, and why would he? In the forest, one of the scariest of animals to worry about would be a wolf, but he would never be frightened of one.

"Hey, Fenrir!" A voice spoke cheerfully from behind, making the boy suddenly turn around with a bright smile.

"Hey, Vlad!" Greeted the boy looking up at his friend, who was standing on the trunk of a fallen tree, glad to see him. He was actually one of the reasons the smaller boy would never be afraid of entering the forest.

The older boy, a fifteen years old teenager, cheekily smiled, approaching him, after he had jumped down on the ground.

"Your sister Elena?" Fenrir asked surprised. Vlad was most of the time accompanied by his older sister, each time he saw them, but now looking around him, he could see Vlad was by himself.

Vlad sighed, remembering the ungrateful girl who no longer spent any time with him. She was always hanging around that man these days, and they would always be smooching or cuddling. He shivered at remembering such things.

"Ughh... she found her mate, and now she is always with him these days. I doubt you will be able to see her much in the future." Replied Vlad, still looking a bit disgusted. He was not at the point to think about finding his own mate, or at least hope for one yet.

"Mate? What is that?" Asked the small boy curious. Why would he no longer see Elena, if she found a comrade? The boy thought, not understanding the true meaning of the word.

"Well, a mate is the other half of a werewolf. The Goddess splits each wolf's soul in two and places the souls into two babies, before they are born. So the werewolves with the halves that manage to find each other will become mates, lovers. They will become the most important partner a werewolf will ever have. Apparently, even more important than your own baby brother." Grumbled the teenager at the end. That rotten girl was always with him, but now he would barely even see her shadow.

"Wow! Really? Will I ever have one?" Asked Fenrir, already imagining a beautiful girl made just for him. To make a happy family like his mom and dad, even though the latter was rarely around them.

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