Chapter 27. A feather like kiss

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She had been plagued by nightmares, when she fell asleep the previous night. But waking up after such a comfortable sleep now, she felt refreshed. In fact, since she left her pack territory this was the best sleep she had. So comfortable that she did not open her eyes yet trying only to cuddle some more in the warm bed with the smell of fresh flowers and a familiar comforting smell of musk with tinges of lavender.

This was strange she thought, she did not have fresh flowers in the guest room so why could she smell fresh flowers and musk? Trying to clear her mind, she hugged a bit more the pillow in her arms when she felt a soft moist touch near her temple. It almost felt as a feather like kiss.

It startled her and she immediately opened her eyes and looked in the direction of where the touch came from, only to look straight in the pair of deep blue eyes of his majesty.

But this was not the most embarrassing thing. No, the most embarrassing thing was that when she moved so suddenly like that, not only were their eyes locked looking at each other, their lips had locked together also.

She was so stunned that, even though their lips were still touching, she did not move back. She could not even breathe in this moment, and her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest any moment now. Not only because of this unfortunate accident, which was the smaller problem perhaps... but most importantly because his highness had not moved as well.

After a few more moments of this immobile state, she suddenly moved back regaining her senses. Looking at her surroundings, she discovered that she was in his highness's indoor garden and, until she let go and moved back, she had been cuddling in his arms sleeping. The comfortable pillow she had held was his waist and chest.

Her face was flushed red. Why did she think she would be in her bed when she clearly went into the garden?!

"I-I am sorry your highness I touched..!" She was trying to apologize, but she fell silent as she could not utter with her mouth that she had hugged and accidentally touched his lips also.

"But I am not sorry!" He calmly affirmed looking straight at her.

She was looking down apologetically, as she spoke with stuttering words, not daring to meet his eyes directly. But his words made her instinctively look at him and, seeing his serious eyes, her body and face froze. What was she supposed to say after hearing his words?

She stood silent for some time, feeling suffocated by his eyes that seemed to have captured hers. It felt like it was impossible to break eye contact. He did not speak, but his eyes felt like they were ordering her to not look away.

"I did not mean to touch your highness's..." She apologized again with great difficulty. Perhaps she had only misunderstood the meaning of his words. Her mind was not functioning too well at this moment after all.

"That was not a touch." He interrupted her not permitting her to brush it off as an accident, even though it clearly was.

"It was a kiss." Salas continued with a hoarse determined voice.

She widened her eyes, as her face flushed even more than it did when she realized what she had done. He dared to say the word she avoided. A word she had only referred to as a touch, only a contact between their skins, he so easily unembarrassed used.

"That was not! I..." She tried to refute with difficulty, she was barely capable of choosing her words at this moment. How could she do such a thing to a man she barely knew, not to mention the king.

"What is a kiss Celia?" He asked, as his generally gentle voice seemed to have changed its tone. It was like he was implying something.

She could not answer. How could she say the definition of a kiss with her own mouth, it would only confirm his words.

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