Chapter 6. One person two wolves

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Only then did Gabriel remember there was actually also a female candidate this year. Realizing his blunder, he coughed to hide his awkwardness at the oversight, and continued explaining.

Usually candidates would laugh at this joke every year, but this year no one laughed. Who would? When somehow she seemed to fit right in there with them.

From time to time, since she arrived at the dormitory, most of the guys' eyes would trail off to the only female candidate. She was beautiful, quiet and she looked quite frail on the outside, like she would break if you were to hug her just a little bit tighter, but even so her aura felt powerful. Strangely, she also did not submit when she passed by them, as weaker werewolves did when higher ranked ones would walk near them.

Moreover, as the power exuded by most of them was in the rank of alpha and beta categories, they were used to having ladies fawn over them, but she was different. Other than the meal times, you would hardly ever see her, which they felt was unfortunate.

Not to mention, most wanted to court her, why would they want to laugh and ruin their chances?

"Rank 4 wolfs are normal alphas.

Rank 3 wolfs are stronger alphas. This is also the rank we expect watchers to have.

Rank 2 wolfs are the members of the Council.

Rank 1, also named "one man rank", is held by only one alpha, the alpha of all the packs together, our king.

Please do not feel disheartened as you see your rank, for those who do not know already what your rank actually is. You should not feel it is weak, no matter what I will inform you.

Every rank in fact, has also 10 sub ranks. To understand it better it means that if you hold the 5th rank, then you are 10 times stronger than the 6th rank. Or if you hold the 5th rank sub rank 5 then you are 5 times stronger than the 6th rank sub rank 0.

As a side note, all the teachers you have are as powerful as watchers, that means each of us hold the 3rd rank, but with a lot of experience in fighting added to it. Please keep this in mind, if you try to argue with one of us." Gabriel explained eloquently, trying to maintain a proper teacher's stance. He needed to regain his lost prestige.

The crowd was confused, they knew about ranks, but not about sub ranks.

"Teacher we have never heard about sub ranks." Dared to say one of the candidates unable to abstain his curiosity at the finding.

"Well this is possible. The Seer the pack doctor uses cannot identify sub ranks, and the pack doctors also cannot recognize them. I think I should be the only one with this ability." Gabriel stated with a normal voice, but a proud undertone could still be sensed.

"Can I ask another question?" Asked the same person, and receiving permission, proceeded.

"Why is the first rank named "one man rank"?" Intrigued inquired the young man, confused, as each rank was held by more werewolves than one.

"Are there more kings for our kind?" Gabriel replied with another question, smiling as he looked from left to right in the room. Then after a few moments of silence, explained further.

"Only one person holds this rank each generation, and that is our king, hence the name "one man rank". All the other ranks are held by more people.

His rank is also the rank without sub ranks, because the difference of power between rank 1 and rank 2 is 100. That means it would take 100 people holding the second rank to attack and kill our current king."

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