EXTRA. Salas's POV

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At the opening ceremony for the new school year

He was asked about a week or so before, if he was going to give the speech to this year's new students at the Royal Academy. Depending on his schedule, in the 70 years of his reign, most of the times he would deliver it himself. But now he was swamped with work. It was practically endless. 

The budget for the next year was in shambles and it was not long until the year ended, the report for rogue problems kept on increasing, the cash flow and new investments from his companies needed to be checked, the next meeting for the packs' alphas needed to be programmed and so on. And even though he had no time to even breathe, he had another problem.

The Council kept pestering about an heir every time they got the chance to do so. Honestly those people needed to worry about their own personal lives, but each time one of them came regarding a matter, they would not leave until asking him again about this problem as they put it.

And each time they asked, his thoughts trailed off to a certain beautiful sight he saw some time ago at the airport... without even meaning to. Really at first he thought she was interesting and so he had read her file, then he saw the video of the melee fight which left him speechless, and he felt she was even more interesting.

The girl in the video seemed quite equally ranked amongst the other werewolves for the first part of the fight. She did not fight a lot, but he could see that her moves were on point. She easily avoided most of the werewolves that came at her and kept them at bay effortlessly.

Then when the werewolf that seemed to be her partner was hurt, she saved him with lightening speed, which as a side note made him feel quite annoyed. Afterwards she immediately changed her stance and went into offense. And what offense, he thought. Her moves seemed so fast, almost like he saw himself fighting.

After seeing her fight, he thought about her from time to time. What could possibly determine such a strong wolf to be so sad, and how could such a frail looking girl be so strong? Such thoughts alternated. 

Then he started to ponder about how could someone who seemed like she was about to cry and did not even appear the least bit dolled up look so beautiful. Slowly the thoughts started to multiply bit by bit.

Nowadays it got to the point that he even dreamt about her. He could not have a single moment's rest, without his thoughts heading towards her face. And the strangest thing was that even though his wolf Sky, did not recognize her wolf, he also kept talking about her.

He previously asked the wolf if she was his mate, perhaps Sky could sense the connection to her more easily than he could. But the latter had said he did not recognize her wolf. At his words, Salas had thought this would be the end of the matter, but now Sky kept mentioning her beautiful face and her superb moves, just like how he thought to himself.

Could it be that his wolf did not care anymore about finding his true mate just like those guys? Because when Sky heard about the speech, he kept purring like a wolf girl and insisted for him to attend, telling Salas they might see Celia at the ceremony. Really the most massive of wolves, a black as night furred alpha that scared all the other wolves when transforming, was now jumping up and down in his mind like a small pup.

At first he was going to refuse giving the speech, he even told Micah that there was no time, ignoring Sky's constant complaints. But just as the beta was about to exit his office, he changed his mind and reasoned that still he should find time to give the speech. After all, everyone was expecting him to participate at the Opening of the new year.

Now at the ceremony before going up the stage, he kept on looking towards the public from the backstage. He was hidden in the back and he had also concealed his aura, so most werewolves could not feel him. Scanning the room hopeful, he saw her again after only a few glances. She was after all unique from all other werewolves.

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