Chapter 23. Living under the same roof

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"But I am already mostly recuperated. Teacher just mentioned my wounds are closed and almost healed. I can recuperate further in my own room at the Academy. There is no need ..." Celia tried to explain, she could not be so close to Salas. The strange feelings that invaded her heart felt foreign and confusing. Her calm and solemn face felt like it was starting to crumble and if she did not leave it would only crumble some more each time she would see him. One would be able to read all her feelings clearly in her eyes and face if her mask broke apart.

What if the king realized her shyness and loss of breath was not because of the same sentiments as other people, it was not because she respected and feared his alpha aura?

"This is the protocol for the people who have been injured in the premises of the castle. I am sorry, but you will have to remain here at least a week more. We will make sure all your needs are taken care of. Please understand us at this time. It would also help us with the investigations of the attack if your are near while we need further information." He told her with an apologetic look.

Hearing Salas's honest words she could not insist more. He was a king, he did not need to explain so much to her, he would only have to order and she, as his subordinate, could only comply. But he had said "I am sorry" and "please". Moreover it was a protocol for all the people, who was she to be the exception.

She nodded her head in understanding, albeit a little reluctant.. It was only a week she should be alright. Anyway it was a huge castle. At most she might see him once the following day when she would answer the questions. He was the king, it was not like he would cater to all her needs himself. Her thoughts had gone too far.

Watching the conversation before him, Gabriel was trying to maintain a solemn look, but inside he wanted to burst out at his friend. What protocol? He had never heard such rules before and he would know, he was teaching general knowledge at the Academy which included the laws of the kingdom and of course all protocols of the palace and its executive members. He was also an executive member of the royal palace himself. Lies, nothing but lies, Gabriel thought.

Well but it was all good to him, wait until they left the room. He would ask Salas why he was not notified of the changes to the protocols.

"Hohoho!" He was laughing inside his mind mischievously.

She sighed relieved when the two men left. Her teacher aside, his highness had quite the presence, she felt like she was losing a bit of air each time he was near. He was the king of all wolves, such sentiments were not appropriate. As a daughter of a beta of a mediocre pack, she was thinking too much of his actions and was being too self-conscious.

Helping her up and handing a glass of water, even arranging her pillow, not to mention, telling her when he left that he would return to check up on her and even living at the palace to recuperate, could be just normal actions that the king did.

It could also be because he had interacted with a lot of women in his life and so was generally accustomed to act in this way. Thus he did not mind the small distance between them, and even closed that distance even more. Or it was because he had felt guilty that the incident was inside his personal territory, and she was just over thinking.

She had never been close to men in her life, never had a boyfriend and she did not know what the appropriate distance between women and men should be. With the guys from the pack it was much easier to interact, she sighed. Either way a wider distance was better than the opposite, she  finally decided.

Lest he sensed her blush, her heartbeat and her slight tremble at his touch were for a reason other than shyness. It would be embarrassing if he noticed her turmoil. She really did not understand why he had such an effect on her. Even if she had rejected her mate, he most certainly would have a beautiful and strong mate, she was nothing compared to that. Wait... why was she comparing?

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