Chapter 45. The weakness of the strongest werewolf

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"So in the end, we found nothing. Honestly, you interrupted the watchers' history class for only bogus information! I thought you were better than this, at distinguishing true facts from false ones." Gabriel reprimanded the young man at his side, and one of the investigators he had under him.

The man had called him saying he had some important leads, but nothing turned out right. He was already feeling frustrated having no substantial leads for all this time, and now he was interrupted even for fake information. It was like someone was deliberately toying with them from the shadows.

First, hunters attacked a pack of students with the sole purpose of capturing them, which was already weird enough. As the hunters' primary goal was always to kill rogues. Not to mention, they had a pact with the Hunters' Association from decades ago, and the others wouldn't just break it for no reason.

Investigating that, it only turned out that the hunters who entered the forest that day had nothing to do with the organization. What a joke, it was like they were rogues themselves.

Honestly, rogue hunters capturing normal pack werewolves? When normally, there should only be hunters, approved by the Association, hunting and killing non abiding law rogues.

And the witches they had brought with them, were also not part of the covens. Clarissa, the leader of the witches, had not recognized the amulet they retrieved from the forest, when the king asked her, the last time she was here. After she had given Celia the ring.

Secondly, after hunters, rogues also entered their borders. And not just normal rogues, no, rogues that were carrying hunters' weapons?!

Not forgetting to mention, that the first time their future queen was injured, and the second time, their king. Well, technically the second time the king was also partially at fault, for carelessly moving forward because of his unrequired love.

What would witches, rogue werewolves and hunters have in common with each other? Why would they collude against them? Now probably only vampires and dragons were missing from the mix, and they would have the whole set. It was like someone was rounding up all the strays he or she could find.

And beside the attacks needing to be investigated, he and the Council also had to find reasons to dismiss the alphas and betas that had gathered at the palace, and were waiting for Salas to meet with them the second day after the ball. Some left easily when he told them the meeting would be rescheduled, but others from bigger packs were not as easily fooled. And it was not like they could just mention that his highness was unconscious, and could not hold the meeting.

Now humans had also started missing, in a large number at that. Normally, it would not be their problem, but from the look of it, rogues were involved. And they did so without carrying about being found out by humans, in absolutely freaking plain sight.

Really things could not get any worse, than they already were, he finally thought as he was entering the Academy grounds.

He barely alighted the car, coming back with his assistant from checking on the missing humans, when he was proven the contrary. Things could get much worse, much much worse.

Standing on the ground of the Academy the most wretched of sounds was heard from the distance, it was a terrifying violent sound. It was a sound filled with rage, sorrow, anger, regret, loss... all feelings jumbled up in one agonizing howl, making one's heart squeeze in fear and empathy.

Hearing this sound, the assistant was already on the ground, barely managing not to collapse from fright. Gabriel was still standing, but even he had shown his neck in submission, with the hair on the back of his neck standing in fear.

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