Chapter 50. Aftermath

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At the witches' coven

"Why would the Goddess give a ruler to the lycans?" Ebony asked confused. Normally, the small kitten was one who easily understood things, but this time it still slipped passed her, the wish, the intentions of the higher being.

"Lycans... they were made by foolish werewolves, but they themselves have done nothing wrong by simply living. But even if they have done nothing wrong at the beginning, and also their consequent killings and destruction are also without their fault, they should still be controlled.

Though their existence is still at the border between the supernatural world and the human one. So who of the two worlds could accept them, where could they continue to exist? And most importantly, who could give them a structured hierarchical society?

By doing this, she has made a compromise to give a home to them. And that compromise is the existence of Celia.

Celia holds the power to command them, because the Goddess' taboo only mentioned killing the werewolf, and not the lycan who was made by his sin.

As the lycans were not creatures under the Goddess' rule, they could very well rampant everywhere without punishments, consequences for not abiding the laws previously. But now, she made a compromise to accept the army of lycans as part of the supernatural world, and at the same time constrain them.

Also if other werewolves were to try to make lycans again it would be for nothing, as the new lycans would also be under Celia's rule, and could not arbitrarily be used as a weapon." Clarissa affirmed, after some moments.

Ebony was surprised of the insight Clarissa had given her, but even more surprised that the latter had explained to her in so many details. Usually, the explanations of the bubbly witch would be so succinct that they would confuse you more, than enlighten you.

At Fenrir's place

The werewolves were shaken to their core, the newly appeared lycan transformed herself into a wolf, and easily made them kneel. How could it be possible? How could they so easily succumb to her power?

The only werewolf that could make them submit by only using a howl, the only one with this amount of aura was their king, but thinking a bit more about it, with their thoughts spiraling in all directions, they realized that another werewolf could also hold this power, the person they had come to rescue, their queen.

If it was her, than their act of submitting was only natural.

All of them were shaken to their core, as the awareness of the identity of the powerful person that stood upon the wall traveled to all of them. Even the few ones still confused grasped the situation, when Salas mind linked the whole pack and confirmed her position.

"Bow to your queen, and cease all resistance." Salas ordered them. Celia had went ahead of him, anxious to stop the fight as soon as possible. And seeing her aura, her real power for the first time, and also quickly grasping her dual role as the leader of both races, he had agreed to her wish.

Exiting the fortress and coming near Celia's wolf, Salas's midnight wolf approached his mate's face, caressing it with his own, confirming for all the present werewolves, the new wolf was indeed his queen and removing all doubts of her legitimacy, if there were any, considering to how easily they had submitted to her.

The two wolves, one next to the other with contrasting colored furs, black and white, total opposite, would normally seem as different as night and day. One seemed soft and elegant, while the other solemn and stern, but in their eyes they were like the two pieces of a whole. They completed each other, like the night sky and the moon.

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