Chapter 48. A foolish man and an innocent wolf

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The lightness of the full moon shone brightly upon the frozen earth, as the ever-present white snow glistened and sparkled, making the darkness of night not that much different from the whiteness of day.

The small diamonds of snow seemed to glitter all around, like small lights of a theatre's stage, a stage prepared for the most important battle in the werewolves' history, as though the Moon Goddess herself had wanted to witness this night, and prepared the battlefield beforehand.

But, unfortunately, the light of the Moon soon enough would have to be enough to light the battlefield for the only spectator of this gruesome play, as the white silvery snow, was slowly beginning to be dyed in a bright crimson color.

The thousands of werewolves had not ran much longer, before seeing in the distance what seemed to be a fortress like castle, when their attention was redirected from the objective ahead, towards the obstacles in front.

Thousands of werewolves were ordered to participate, members of the Council, royal guards, teachers at the Academy, and pretty much all ranked werewolves males that could have gathered within the hour, howled and growled at the sight of their enemies, ready to attack as the order was given.

Enemies they would have never thought existed, savage mindless creatures that should never be allowed to see the light of day, roamed in front of them, beings that would have been brought to life by their ancestors' sins. Beasts created by breaking the third taboo, lycans.

Lycans could never transform into full wolves, their body at most resembled a failed attempt at creating one, because of their head which indeed looked like a wolf's, but they still walked and looked like humans from below their necks to their feet, with the only difference being their body that was covered in ruffled fur, and their spine elongating itself in a tail.

But normal werewolves, in wolf form, would not be that much different from a real wolf, if you did not take into account their size.

The werewolves were horrified at such a sight, a lycan had only ever once successfully been created, but by realizing the abomination, the werewolves that discovered the atrocious being terminated its life.

They were extinct, a black spot in werewolves' history, but here they were numbering thousands. This sight would have normally caught them of guard, but in the presence of the king, lycans did not matter, what they meant made no difference. As long as he could get to his mate, he was capable of even passing through fire, much less creatures.

A loud commanding howl escaped his snout, as he directed his head towards the moon, reaching the ears of the werewolves, and restoring the general order. It was as though he was informing the Goddess of the start of their play, their war, it was also an order to freely attack, charge forward with everything they got.

As all the werewolves moved with their heavy paws smashing the ground, pushing themselves forward, they followed closely behind the members of the Council, who were steadily running in the shadow of Salas, creating an arrow like formation, charging, piercing through the middle of the thousands of lycans.

Arriving in front of them, Sky took the first blood as he ripped through shreds a lycan, that did not manage to react, much less attack. Near the lycans it could be seen clearly, Salas was at least two times larger than even the biggest of lycans, not that it was that important. He was not interested in fighting as many as he could.

His purpose was not to fight them, but to pass through them. So fighting in a coordinated attack, Sky and Salas, interchanged quickly and strategically between each other, the human side swiftly going through them partially transformed, clawing only when he had no other choice as the lycans gathered even more towards him.

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