Chapter 8. The Alpha of the new watchers

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"Lady and gentlemen, congratulations for passing the previous tests. You are truly the elite of the elite. Unfortunately, as you already know we only have 10 available positions for watchers this year. So to decide the final candidates, the last test will be a melee war between all of you.

The purpose of this fight is quite simple and that is, the last ten people to remain inside the circle you are now standing in, will become the new watcher candidates that we will train for the next two years. After undergoing the course and final exam, those ten people will become full watchers.

Please note that each valedictorian group will act as a pack during the courses, and will remain one even after these two years. That means that you will become an official pack after you graduate. You will investigate cases together, you will work together, undertake missions together under the command of the one with the most victories in the melee war, your alpha.

That being said, there are no rules on how you can make the other candidates exit the circle, but do keep in mind that watchers are the most fair of people, they are the people who best respect others, and would use killing only as a final mean.

As such, I expect to see fair play from all of you. Good luck and begin." The teacher, who seemed to be in charge of the final test, loudly and sternly informed the candidates.

There were at least 10 teachers surrounding the circle on all sides, it seemed like they were there to arbitrate the war.

Every candidate already knew what the test would be about, so when the teacher said to begin, almost everyone started to select an opponent.

"Stay near me." Jake whispered to Celia, just as the fight began. He knew she was a pretty good fighter, everything he taught her these weeks she absorbed like a sponge as she had a pretty good foundation to begin with. And he also knew she was quite powerful, but he still wished to protect her and ensure she passed.

She nodded and stayed near him. It was not a bad deal to fight in pairs, some of the other werewolves were doing the same thing as well. They fought together with the werewolves they befriended in their time here.

Jake fought with ease at first, as he was one of the best ranked of the candidates, but it did not mean she let him shoulder all the fight on his own. She intervened, from time to time when she felt he was outnumbered, and she also covered his back.

But even though the fighting ran smoothly in the beginning, as he managed to defeat all those who came near, slowly his opponents multiplied. Perhaps they targeted him as the number of people in the circle diminished, knowing he was also trying to protect her. But this actually only made her feel more upset and angry. She was not a weakness, she had only fought cautiously as it was the first time she fought with others, not to mention she was also suppressing most of her aura and strength.

Still maintaining their winning streak even with the multitude of opponents, while Celia was looking out for someone who was about to hit Jake from behind, another candidate did manage to catch her off guard. The burly man was about to grab her and throw her out of the circle.

Fortunately, Jake saw him and reacted barely in time to push her out of the way, but to do so he let himself become vulnerable, making it easy for another werewolf to come from behind and hit the back of his head hard.

With him being unconscious, the opponent quickly grabbed him by the neck and tried to fling him out of the circle. At this point, Celia's anger had reached its limit. It was like the others did not even feel she was a threat on her own, without his assistance.

Satisfied there would be an opponent less in the circle, the werewolf smirked, as he ruthlessly flung Jake's body, expecting him to land outside of the circle. He was even chuckling, as the number of opponents that were personally thrown out by him increased, and with it the probability to become the Alpha also became a reality. Jake was the tenth opponent he threw out.

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