Chapter 14. The king of all werewolves

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In the huge Amphitheatre, everyone was seated according to the courses they were taking. And as part of one of the most respected and important professions, the watcher students were placed on the 3rd row in front of the stage, after the rows meant for the teachers.

When together in their private time, the pack laughed and cracked jokes, but now in public they tried to maintain their composure and did not speak more than necessary. They also shared a pack link, so there was no need to speak aloud.

If you were to see them, they looked quite focused on the stage, they all seemed solemn, without any particular emotion evident on their faces in the slightest. And coupled with their black uniforms, one could not help but be silent also. In fact, in this manner the students around them actually were.

Even though they glanced towards them from time to time whispering, most likely how the students outside had also discussed, when the pack passed by them on their way, they still tried to not disturb the atmosphere that had been imposed by their presence as best they could. One could say around the pack the students were even more respectful and well-mannered than they were during their classes towards their teachers. Of course, not including the ones that taught the watcher courses, those professors were legends.

As such, not even in a million years could the students from the normal classes correctly assume what went on inside their heads, what thoughts had their full attention. They did not know that inside the minds of the watcher pack, ones of the most revered of the werewolf race, the members were actually bombarded with jokes. That's right, using the important link, Marcus was telling them yet another joke.

"What do you call a lost wolf?"

"Will you stop it with the wolf jokes? The ceremony is about to start. Look, the teachers are taking their seats." Liam, the 6th ranked of the pack, tried to stop the man who was hell-bent on getting all of them in trouble... or at least, make them lose the respect the others had for them. How would it appear if the aloof looking students would burst out laughing? Everyone would think they were crazy.

Unusually, the most stoic of all of them, Evan, replied calmly which made the joke even funnier, as he had a monotone voice.

"A where-wolf!"

Quickly understanding the pun, and to stop themselves from laughing, some put their hands on their mouth, some bit the inside of their cheeks clenching their jaws, and some pretended to tie their shoelaces, just so they could laugh without being seen.

Celia was the most composed of them, but even she had a small smile on her face.

Satisfied with their reaction, Marcus still wanted to tell them one more joke, amused by the fact they kept trying not to laugh, when luckily he was interrupted by the loud voice on the stage, which signified the beginning of the ceremony. One of the teachers had quickly greeted the crowd and invited his highness, the king of all werewolves, to give an opening speech. Even if before Marcus wanted to joke further, with this particular announcement, the goof man had become the most quiet of all of them.

The entire hall of people directed their attention towards the stage, and finally everyone quieted down. The current king was known to be a fair and competent person when ruling, the kingdom had advanced by leaps and bounds during his reign, but he was a rigid and solemn person.

There was even a rumor circulating around that no one had ever seen him smile, not to mention laugh, and that he had even murdered werewolves for trying to make him show a happy expression. Even people that laughed in his presence were not spared. And all of this happened when he was in a normal mood. What would happen if his mood was reversed? No one would want to satisfy this curiosity, as it could possibly be the last thing they did. Of course, this was only a rumor, but there is no smoke without a fire... naturally, it was better to be safe than sorry.

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