Chapter 49. A ruler chosen by the Goddess

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Fighting with everything they got, the werewolves were struggling against the lycans, as the latter fought with total disregard for their safety. For them, the order to fight was absolute, it had priority in front of even their wellbeing. As such, in death they still managed to take a werewolf with them, or at least gravely injure one.

The werewolves were also tired from travelling for such a long distance, making their situation even more dire, but still under the coordination of Gabriel and the members of the Council, they kept their ground against the lycans. They could only hope they could hold on, to ensure it would be enough time for Salas to return with their queen.


Inside the fortress, even in his pain, Salas was still hanging on, looking towards his beautiful mate. He was truly worried, as Celia had stopped crying and struggling, which would have been a good thing, if at the same time she did not look like nothing but a puppet.

He was afraid, the trauma of seeing him die before her eyes was mortifying, and would let her be scarred for life. He wanted to do something about it, he wanted to run towards her and assure her that everything would be alright, but he could not. These were the last thoughts he had before falling to the ground unconscious.

"Riddick, loosen your grip on her neck! You are hurting her too much." Fenrir said displeased. He knew the rogue was as bloodthirsty as ever, he had tried to keep his cruelness under control, but Riddick still exaggerated many times. Still, if it was anybody else he would not care, but towards her he felt a closeness and a desire to protect. The threat that he would kill her if Salas fought back, was only for the werewolf to give up fighting.

He did not want to truly do that, and Riddick should have known it, but he was overstepping his position. He was getting out of line.

"My king, if I loosen my grip, she would try to escape again!" Riddick replied dissatisfied. He could see clearly that Celia was not reacting in any way, but for some unknown reason this only unsettled him more. It was like the calm before the storm.

Not to mention, he did not know what exactly stopped Celia's alpha aura, making her unable to use her werewolf powers, but she was the alpha of the watchers, he had seen her practice and knew just how powerful she could possibly be. He did not want to take a chance.

At the coven

"Do you see anything?" Ebony asked frightened, as the small witch was looking down in her cauldron.

Clarissa had filled it with water and enchanted it, making the surface of the clear water inside the cauldron into a mirror to check on the situation. They could do nothing, but they were still worried.

"Yes! I think Waning is breaking the seal!" Clarissa said, gulping.

"Ehhh, but Crescent?" Ebony asked concerned. If Waning dared to do that, then what would happen to the smaller wolf?

"I do not know, perhaps the mental strain was too much. Waning may have slipped and lost her control of her aura, or Crescent woke up because of their emotions!" She said looking down. Celia looked like a statue, it would appear that she had given up, but it did not seem so.

"She is shifting!" Clarissa continued, as she started to see some changes to Celia, after a few more seconds.

"She is?" Ebony asked, jumping on the table and also looking down inside the cauldron.

"But, that ... that... is no wolf!!!" Ebony exclaimed.

"Yes, it is not!" Clarissa said, finally realizing what the Goddess had tried to do, finally put all the pieces of the puzzles together.

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