Chapter 32. She is mine

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Celia was not one to give into provocations, far from it. Even when nasty rumors about her spread in the Academy, she minded her own business. She was accustomed, from years of living in her pack, with people having wrong assumptions, so she never fought back. She never bothered to do so.

But now this woman, who she did not remember wronging, was not only provoking her, she was even colluding with her sister to ridicule her.

She knew for certain that her sister wanted to harm her, because she was forced to participate in the battle at the order of the Luna, but her sister was not obligated to nominate someone else to participate in her stead.

Brianna could have simply refused the battle royale and that would have been the end of it, so from her sister's side it was intentional. But she could not understand what Yvonne had against her.

What could have been the problem, when they had not discussed at all after the initial greeting?

Either way, she considered it would be better to just go through the battle and be done with it. There was no point in thinking further. She also could not make a ruckus, even if she wanted to, as she did not want to embarrass his highness. She was his partner for this evening, and most likely the two had already prepared and informed the officials of the battle, so it could not be retracted.

Later she will rescind her place in her previous pack, so another situation like this would not occur. This was her oversight, her fault for not cutting the ties clearly, whether it was with Rayan or her pack.

Looking a bit more scrutinizing at Yvonne, she could tell from her appearance that she was quite a high ranking werewolf, but the aura Yvonne was releasing, did not scare her. It was only tingling, like someone was tickling her.

For as long as she could remember, she never felt frightened by another werewolf, never felt the need to submit to anyone. She only showed her neck in submission, when her parents did at pack meetings. Even towards the council members, she did not submit. The only werewolf she was not certain of was his highness, he never released his aura directed towards her, and so she wasn't sure.

"Alright miss Yvonne. Let's hold the battle royale. I assume you and my dear sister already picked the wish. When do you want to battle?" Celia asked resigned to the situation, but still retaining anger in her voice.

"How about now? In fact, in the ballroom they are already clearing the center of the dance floor. We also have some more comfortable clothes prepared in the bathroom!" Yvonne said smiling, satisfied with the results. Although, she had begun to be slightly wary of Celia, seeing her darkening eyes. It made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

She had hurried the timing of the battle to ensure that the king was not informed by someone of who would participate. If Celia went back and told him, perhaps saying she was still injured, he would prevent them from battling, and she could not afford for that to happen. It was her moment to shine, stepping on Celia's body or corpse, if she had it her way.

They really thought and planned everything  thoroughly. Celia thought. When did they manage to find the time to plan such things? It was only a couple of hours since the beginning of the ball.

Well Yvonne did indeed leave the table multiple times. At first she had tried to participate in conversations, especially addressing his highness, but gave up when her questions remained unanswered. And her sister was a social butterfly, she could discuss with anyone. A "remarkable" friendship had blossomed in this short time.


Salas had begun to worry about Celia. It was already more than a quarter of an hour ago, when she left with her sister. His eyes started darting everywhere to check her current location, but he felt she was not in the ballroom, as her strawberry scent was beginning to lessen.

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