Chapter 15. Introductions and a day off

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With Micah's invitation, the pack entered one by one, until Celia, the leader who was customarily the last in the pack, finally entered, with Gabriel also following a second later.

The watcher students, the best ranked werewolf students of the current year, looked around a little nervous, but still maintained their calm outward look. It was not every day they had the opportunity to meet the king, so naturally they held a little interest in speaking with him. Although not that much interest as a visit to the city apparently, considering Gabriel had been afraid they would escape, if he so much dared look away for half a second.

The king worked a lot and he was also not a very sociable person, one could count on one hand the events he participated in a year. As such, not many people had the honor of meeting him. Most could never meet him in person even once in their entire lifetime.

Although they were bestowed the honor of speaking with the king of werewolves, a living legend, the watcher students of course wouldn't become haughty and overstep themselves. As such even the curious gazes were restrained a lot, not wanting to anger the man who was a subject of many infamous rumors.

Glancing inside the large and well lit room, they saw four couches, arranged in a circle. Two larger couches were set one in front of the other with a small coffee table in between them. They were placed directly parallel with the windows, and the other two smaller couches were placed the same, one in front of the other. The nearest couch had its back towards the entrance, while the other had its back in front of the large desk, where Salas was still checking some documents. Occupied with urgent work most likely, the king did not raise his eyes to look at them, so his beta, Micah, asked them to take a seat and wait for a little while longer.

Gabriel unceremoniously immediately plopped down on the smaller couch closer to the entrance, and asked his students to sit on the larger couches that were just in front of him, on his left and right sides. Celia was already mixed between the other watcher students, so she could've chosen any part of the couch she preferred to take a seat on.

But perhaps feeling a bit nervous and conscious to sit too close to the man that had made her lose her breath earlier in the amphitheater, she decided to sit down near Gabriel's left side, on the part of the couch also closest to the entrance, and at the same time the part furthest from the king. This was her intention, one she wasn't able to follow through unfortunately, as Gabriel spoke just when she was about to lower herself to the couch's level.

"You are the alpha Celia, please sit on the other end of the couch." He smilingly said and pointed to where she should move to.

Celia did not understand why her position entitled her to move to the other end, when Gabriel as a teacher was near the entrance, regardless of his rank. But she also had no valid reasons to refuse her teacher's words, so she listened to him and sat where he said, although she did not feel comfortable to do so, as the other side of the couch was the closest to the king's desk. Being so close to the king, a distinct lovely smell enveloped her nose, even more than when she had entered, making her heart rate increase.

With her nervousness almost shooting through the roof, as she was afraid that the king would certainly be able to hear her elevated heartbeat, Celia became even more anxious. But as her aloof face rarely showed such emotions on her expressions, on the outside she looked quite calm. A calmness that she soon also felt on the inside of her heart, realizing that her state of anxiousness could also be attributed to the solemn moment of being introduced to his highness.

A few moments later, as the watcher students waited patiently for the king, Salas signed the last document he was checking, then placed the closed file on his desk. With his urgent matters taken care of, the tall man rose on his feet and buttoned the coat of his black suit, before making his way to the couch nearest his desk.

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