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Len look around the table, she doesn't recognize anyone except for Lee Yuta and his family but Qi Adi look horrified.

"Yuta, did you force Qi Adi to come here? She look pale." Len said to Yuta who immediately look at Qi Adi and frowned.

"No I'm not, on the other hand she's the one who force herself to come, she actually have duty today." Yuta said and Len look at Qi Adi.

"What's wrong Dra. Qi?" Akio asked Qi Adi immediately look at him.

Qi Adi knows that no one can make this move except for the family, she thought everything is alright now.

Qi Adi is thinking if Akio knows what happened at the coffee shop weeks before she knows that Len family don't know anything because they didn't say anything when they saw Qi Adi earlier.

"Wait, Dra. Qi where do you work again?" Akio asked

"I'm working on my family hospital the Bright Hospital." Qi Adi answers

"What a coincidence, I heard that Mr. Tan here is the medical supplier of Bright Hospital four years ago." Akio said smiling so bright to them he looks at Mr. Tan who is now looking on the edge.

Mrs. Tan who is now looking at Qi Adi but with her blank expression.

"Mommy, mommy." Everyone become silent when a child run towards Qi Adi.

Mrs. Tan gasped when she saw the child running, she immediately look at her husband with teary eyes.

"Savior, what is happening?" Len whispered to Akio.

"We are going to leave you for now, we are going to see you later." Akio said smiling at them.

"Dr. Sanyo, see you around." Akio said to the other man.

Akio guide the confuse Len away from the table, He made sure that all of them will sit at that table.

Not centered but enough for people to witness what is happening to that table.

"I love you my lady, may I have this dance?" Akio said when they are almost at the dance floor.

Len smile before accepting Akio's hands.

"Of course savior." Len said they went to the dance floor.

"Len.." Akio called and Len look at him.

"Do you trust me?" Akio asked and Len immediately nods.

"With my life." Len said and Akio smiles.

"Please remember, everything that I'm doing is for your sake and for our family." Akio said and Len immediately nods.

"I understand, savior." Len said looking at her family who is watching them from their table.

In Akio side of view, he can see those people who is hurting Len, he won't let Qi Adi happy. He won't let the witch win this battle.


Len hug her family the party is ended.

"I'm so happy." Lina said while hugging Len.

"We are so glad that you finally married the man who can protect you." Kian said while brushing Len's hair

Len look at Kian proudly.

"Of course, I won't make same mistake twice." Len said and everyone who heard her laugh because of that.

"Len, my daughter." Len look behind and saw her mother in law with her father in law.

Len immediately hug them and giggles because how tight Elle hugging her.

"You are officially part of the family." Elle said while holding Len who smiles and nods

"Thank you mom." Len said and Elle nods

"We are here to official welcome you as Mrs. Luo." Arth said to Len who giggles.

"I'm wondering when I'm going to be used to be called Mrs. Luo." Len said and Elle smiles.

"In time, you will used to it." Elle said

"Elle, Arth, where is Akio?" Sera asked because they thought Akio left because he is going to see his parents.

"Oh, he is just talking to someone." Elle said pointing at the direction where Akio is standing.

He is talking with Lee Yuta, Akio look serious while Lee Yuta look confused.

"What is Akio doing?" Ting asked while looking at his brother in law.

"Doing something he must done." Arth answers

Len notice that Akio gave Yuta something but she's not sure what is it, but after he gave it, Akio left and smiles when he notice that the whole family looking at him.

"What is that?" Shin asked when Akio is near them now.

"Nothing, sweetheart are you ready?" Akio said before looking at Len who nods.

Akio asked her if she trust him and she's serious about saying yes to him, she trust him with everything, Akio won't do anything to hurt her.

"Let's go?" Akio asked.

"Mamita, Mamu, why can't we go with mommy and daddy?" Bella asked

"Bella, my dear, remember when you asked me if you can have another siblings?" Jing asked Bella who immediately nods.

"They will try to give you a siblings, but they need to be alone." Jing said before she received a smack on her head from Xioli.

"What are you saying to the kid?" Xioli asked to Jing who is pouting.

"But that's a truth." Jing said.

"Enough, Len and Akio needs to go." Ting said to them and they just pout

"Take care." They all said to Len and Akio who is smiling while waving at them.

Len notice that Qi Adi and Lee Yuta is still looking at them, but she's sure that Qi Adi don't know anything.


Lee Yuta look at the flashdrive on his hands. He is sitting at his office in front of his computer.

Akio didn't say anything to him but just telling him that he is giving him a gift and then give the flashdrive.

Lee Yuta didn't even think twice before putting the flashdrive on his computer to see what does this flashdrive have.

"What is this?" Lee Yuta asked to himself when he notice a lot of file inside.

He opened one of them.

Lee Yuta got stunned seeing the photos on the file, it's Qi Adi with an old man that he saw just earlier at the party, there is also a date on it.

Four years ago.

Yuta didn't stop and opened another it's a voice recording.

"Dra. Qi Adi." a male voice said

"Sanyo." Yuta knows this voice, Qi Adi.

Sanyo? The Dr. Sanyo that also invited and sitting beside Qi Adi earlier?

"How are you? It's been a long time." Sanyo said

"What do you want?" Qi Adi look irritated.

"Oh, don't be like that, you are not that irritated when you are asking for a favor before." Sanyo said

"What do you want from me?" Qi Adi asked

"Of course just like before, a night with me, I miss you, you know." Sanyo said

"Sanyo, you don't have anything to do with me." Qi Adi said angrily

"Are you sure?" Sanyo asked

"What do you mean?" Qi Adi asked

"I still have the DNA test result from four years ago, the real result of the test." Sanyo said

"What?" Qi Adi

"The real result that your child is not really from Lee family." Sanyo said

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