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The kids had fun in the amusement park, they are really happy because they are with their parents.

"I really love you mommy, daddy." Bella sweetly said while they are walking inside the restaurant to have dinner.

The restaurant located inside the amusement park, the employees of the amusement park said that they are going to light some fireworks later.

"We really love you and your brother, Bella." Akio said kissing the forehead of their daughter on his arms.

"Mommy, school is starting on Monday, right?" Azim asked to Len while they are sitting on their table.

"Yes baby, that's why we are going to the mall tomorrow to buy all the things you needed, the school provide a list that you needed." Len said to Azim.

"I'm excited mommy." Azim said

"Good baby, now what do you want to eat?" Len asked and Azim look at her and smiles.

"Anything is good mommy." Azim said and Len nods

She decided to order for Azim too, while Bella and Akio are the one ordering for themselves.

The waiter got their order before walking away, Len look at Akio who is looking at her, both just smile to each other.

"Are you having fun?" Len asked Bella who immediately nods

"Yes mommy, this is fun, I'm enjoying because I'm with you, daddy and Azim." Bella answers.

"How about you, Azim?" Akio asked

"I'm enjoying daddy, I really love when I'm with you all." Azim said

"And how about mommy?" Akio asked while holding Len's hands above the table, they are sitting in front of each other while Bella sitting beside Akio, Azim is with Len.

"Of course I'm enjoying, I really love spending time with you and the kids." Len said

"Of course daddy is enjoying too, spending time with you is good." Akio said

They talk until their orders came back, they eat while helping the kids to eat.

"Are excited for fireworks?" Akio asked

"Yes!" Bella and Azim said in unison.

They stand in a good spot and they can see a lot of people also waiting for the fireworks.

Bella and Azim are holding each other's hands while standing in front of Akio who have his arms wrapped around Len.

All of them look at the sky when the fireworks started to lighten up the dark sky.

"Auntie Len?"

Len look at her side when she heard that, Akio also look at the person who called, but they are just thankful that Bella and Azim are fascinated to the fireworks that they didn't notice the change of mood of their mother.

"Auntie." Ren tried to walk towards Len who step backwards, the pain are visible to Ren's eyes when he saw that Len walk backwards.

"It's you again..." Azim angrily said, they already notice their parents.

"Ren..." Len said before she sigh, she knows that Ren doesn't know anything.

"Savior." Len look at Akio who sigh.

"Okay my lady." Akio said before he kneel down

"Babies, do you want ice cream?" Akio asked

"No daddy, we are staying with mommy." Azim said and Bella agreed with her brother.

"Babies, I need to talk to him, I'm going to follow you after to the ice cream shop." Len said, Azim look at his mother before looking at Ren.

"Fine." Azim said and Bella look at him.

"Let's go." Akio said before they left Len.

Len look at Ren before she sigh again.

"Who is with you?" Len asked Ren.

"My best friend Ada." Ren said pointing at the girl looking at them worried.

"Let's talk to the cafe." Len said pointing the near cafe and Ren nods.

"You can bring your friend with you." Len said before she walks towards the cafe.

People keeps looking at them, some maybe recognize her and some are just amaze how beautiful she is.

Len decided to sit to the corner of the cafe, some people are still outside that's why there is only few people inside the cafe.

"You can order whatever you want." Len said to them, Ada look shy that's why Len smiles at her.

"I'm Bai Len." Len introduce herself to the girl to ease her shyness.

"I'm Choi Ada." Ada introduce herself accepting Len's hands.

Len nods before she calls for the waiter.

"A vanilla latte, hot." Len order without looking at the menu.

"How about you?" The waiter asked the two.

"I will have Java Chip." Ren said

"I will have hot chocolate." Ada said

"Is that all?" The waiter asked and the two younger nods, the waiter left them.

"Auntie." Ren broke the silence between them.

"Ren, you need to stop." Len stop Ren from talking.

"But Auntie.." Len shake her head to him.

They stop talking while the waiter putting their order. Len sip on her latte while waiting for the waiter to be far.

"Ren, my children are not comfortable seeing you near me. They can't forget what happened to the mall." Len said and Ren look at her

"Are they my cousins?" Ren asked and Len shake her head.

"They are not part of Lee family." Len said and Ren look at her.

"Auntie, you were pregnant before." Ren said and Len look at him before she smiles.

"It didn't make it, my angel died." Len said, she doesn't know that Ren didn't know that she had a miscarriage.

"Auntie." Ren said and Len smiles at him.

"Ren, I'm not part of Lee family now, please understand, seeing you is like trigger of bad memories." Len said softly

"Please Ren, the next time you see me, please just ignored me and don't approach me again." Len said again.

"Auntie, please don't do this to me, you know that you are important to me and to my uncle." Ren said holding Len now

"Ren, I hope this is the last time we are having a conversation, I hope this is the last time you will approach me, because next time I'm going to act like I don't know you." Len said before standing up.

"Auntie!" Ren shouted that made people look at them but Len ignored him and pay for their order and leave at the shop.

She needs to cut ties in order to move on, she can forgive but she can't forget.

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