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"Daddy, what are we doing here?" Lee Yuri asked her father when she saw that they are in graveyard.

"We are going to visit someone here." Lee Yuta said before getting outside of the car and walk towards Yuri's side.

He helped Yuri to get outside and guided her towards the house grave but unlike before the gate are locked.

"Daddy it's locked." Yuri said

Yuta sigh, Len hate him this much that she didn't allow him to visit their child.

"Maybe we can stay here, do you see that small gravestone?" Yuta asked Yuri and pointes at the one of the grave stones.

"Yeah, I can see it. Bai's Angel?" Yuri tries to read what on the gravestone.

"That's your older sibling." Yuta said smiling to Yuri

"Older sibling? Mommy gave birth to someone before?" Yuri asked and Yuta shake his head.

"That's my baby, your mommy only have you." Yuta said and Yuri look at him

"Then who is his mommy?" Yuri asked innocently but Yuta just smiles to her.

"I brought you here to introduce him to you." Yuta said to Yuri.

"I don't want another siblings, I want mommy and daddy only." Yuri shouted and whined

Yuta got shocked because of the sudden tantrums.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay." Yuta said rubbing Yuri's back.

Yuta decided to leave but he looks at the gravestone and promise to go back on the other time on his mind.

"Daddy, why do I have other sibling?" Yuri asked and Yuta got speechless

How is he going to explain to her when she's only three years old?

"Baby, you won't understand it now but when the time comes I'm going to explain it to you." Yuta said to his daughter

"Daddy, my friend Sona, he asked me why my mommy and daddy not living together? Parents should live together to be complete family." Yuri said and Yuta look at her

"Baby not all family are living together, sometimes they are living on the different house like us." Yuta said and Yuri pout

"I want to live with mommy and daddy, can we just live in the same house?" Yuri asked

Yuta doesn't know why his child talking about this now, before Yuri won't even ask why they are living in the different house.

"Baby, I'm sorry but I don't think that is a good idea, you see we are unique family, you need to live with mommy while I'm staying on other house." Yuta patiently explaining to his daughter

"Daddy, do you love mommy?" Yuta got stunned because of the sudden question

"I love you Yuri." Yuta said but Yuri look at him

"I love you too daddy, maybe you don't really love mommy." Yuri said and Yuta is now speechless

"You know daddy, my friends keeps teasing me because I'm always with mommy, they say I don't have daddy, that maybe my daddy don't love mommy that's why he is not with me." Yuri said and Yuta hug his daughter

He doesn't know that his daughter got bullied because he always not around.

"I'm so sorry Yuri." Yuta said while hugging his daughter

"I'm a bad girl, right? That's why you are not with us daddy?" Yuri asked now in teary eyes.

"No Yuri, you are my good girl, you won't understand right now Yuri but one day when you understand I will explain to you, don't cry my beautiful baby." Yuta said

He didn't know that because he is selfish, his daughter is getting hurt now. He knows that he doesn't love Qi Adi, but he loves his daughter that he is willing to do anything just for her.


He doesn't know why he is standing in front of this giant gate after he sent his daughter to go home.

"I want to meet Mr. and Mrs. Bai." He said to the guards who is looking at him before looking at their leader.

"I'm going to asked first." The man said before calling the main house.

Yuta wait patiently then the man look at him again before talking to the phone.

"What is your reason?" The man asked him.

"They know already." Yuta said and the man look at him before he nods at the men that guarding the place.

"Mrs. Bai gave the permission." The man said to the others who immediately complies and open the gate for Yuta.

Yuta started to drive, it's been years since the last time he went here, this is the first time after what happened that Bai family allowed him to enter their gate.

When he arrives at the main door, there is someone already waiting for him.

"They are waiting for you, please follow me." The helper said before guiding Yuta.

Nothing change inside except for the pictures that displayed. There is new faces and Yuta already know who they are.

"He's here madam, master." The helper said

"Thank you, you may leave us now." Bai Sera said before looking at Yuta

"Have a seat." Sera said, Yuta sit in front of the couple that looking relax in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Bai Shao asked when he saw that Yuta is finally sitting.

"I'm here to apologize, I know I'm way too late for it but I want to apologize." Yuta said looking down.

Sera and Shao look at each other, they don't understand, they thought that Yuta is here to talk about Len.

"I know what my family did to your family, I'm here to apologize in behalf of them, I know that saying sorry is not enough." Yuta said and Shao nods at him.

"We already forgive you and your family Yuta, but my children is not easy to forgive as you can see." Sera said

They already forgive the Lee family, they know how much pain they cause for their beloved Len but staying angry to them won't change anything.

Sera and Shao forgive them already but their children doesn't understand that, especially when their only princess is in pain.

"You see, we know that staying angry with your family won't change anything, the pain is already there, it won't bring back the angel that got sacrifice." Shao said

"I'm so sorry." Yuta said, he look down. He feel more guilty when he heard that the couple forgive them.

"What else do you need?" Sera asked and Yuta look at her.

"I want to meet Ting and Shin to asked for forgiveness and if you allow me I want to meet Len." Yuta said and The couple look at each other again.

They can help Yuta meeting Ting and Shin but with Len they don't think that's a good idea.

"I want to meet her for one last time." Yuta said and that made Sera and Shao shocked.

"One last time?" Shao asked and Yuta nods.

He is going to see Len one last time..

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